How Long Does It Take to Complete Assassin‘s Creed 3?

The Short Answer

For gamers focused solely on plowing through the main story, Assassin‘s Creed 3 takes approximately 16 hours to complete. This includes completing all 34 critical path missions that move the core narrative forward.

Of course, AC3 offers much more for gamers willing to dive into all of the side content and post-game activities. Completing everything the game has to offer takes around 55 hours for a 100% completionist run.

Diving Into the American Revolution

Assassin‘s Creed 3 is set in colonial America during the tumultuous years of the American Revolution. Players take on the role of Connor Kenway, born from a Mohawk mother and British father. After his village gets attacked as a child, Connor dedicates himself to joining the Assassin Brotherhood, stabbing his way up the Templar chain of command.

The game takes place across over 20 years as Connor encounters historical figures like George Washington, Paul Revere and more while fighting to free America from British rule. Core gameplay involves stealthily stalking targets, firing flintlock pistols and muskets, and brutally stabbing enemies with Connor‘s wrist-mounted hidden blade or trusty tomahawk.

The frontier setting also brings new activities like hunting, falconry with Connor‘s pet eagle, and naval warfare piloting Connor‘s warship The Aquila. With dense forests to dash through and colonial cities like Boston and New York to traverse, AC3 gives players plenty of places to create chaos.

Missions and Side Activities

The main story takes about 16 hours thanks to its lengthy string of 34 story missions full of assassinations, naval battles, and even a heart pounding chase sequence galloping through burning forests.

For completionists aiming to 100% everything, here‘s a breakdown of all the optional activities and side content that can easily add 30+ hours:

Liberation missions15
Naval missions10
Almanac pages20
Animal pelts to sell/tradeHundreds

Tracking down Mr. Faulkner‘s sea shanties, taking out optional Templar targets, gambling at Dixie‘s Tavern Inn, unlocking all the tunnels in New York‘s subterranean world – the list goes on and on. For history buff gamers who want to fully inhabit colonial America, AC3‘s world offers endless immersion.

How Does It Compare Within the Franchise?

Recently beating out 2018‘s AC Odyssey as the series record-holder, 2020‘s Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla clocks in at a staggering 80.5 hours for completionist players, nearly double AC3‘s total ([ Ranking The Main Assassin‘s Creed Games Based On Length]).

However, compared to earlier franchise entries, AC3 offers a sizable adventure on par with titles like AC Brotherhood (40.5 hours) and the pirate swashbuckling of AC Black Flag (also around 40.5 hours).

Why AC3 Deserves More Love

Though it didn‘t quite get the same glowing fan response as Ezio‘s trilogy or the naval warfare origins of Black Flag, Assassin‘s Creed 3 remains an underappreciated entry in the saga.

As the conclusion of present-day protagonist Desmond Miles‘ arc, AC3 delivers a powerful ending for longtime fans. Gameplay innovations like hunting also laid foundations for future entries. And exploring the American Revolution through Templars pulling strings on both sides remains one of the franchise‘s most unique settings.

For gamers exhausted by the bloat and grind of recent AC games, revisiting AC3 can feel like a tautly crafted blast from the past. Ubisoft nailed the core pillars of combat, stealth and parkour while delivering a memorable journey through one history‘s most pivotal moments.

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