How Long Does it Take to Finish GTA V‘s Story Mode Without Stopping?

For most players, Grand Theft Auto V‘s sprawling single-player story can be completed in around 31-32 hours of continuous gameplay. This includes playing through all 69 critical path missions that push the main narrative forward across three distinct protagonists – ex-bank robber Michael De Santa, street hustler Franklin Clinton, and drug dealer Trevor Philips.

GTA V Playtime

*Chart showing average GTA V playtimes per HowLongToBeat (HLTB). Source: HLTB*

However, that 31 hour average playtime only covers the so-called "Main Story" critical path content. As an open world game, GTA V enables players to explore a vast representation of Los Santos and Blaine County at their leisure. How long it ultimately takes to roll credits after that iconic bank heist intro comes down to pacing and chosen activities.

Playtime Can Vary Dramatically Between Playstyles

According to aggregated data from HowLongToBeat, below is how average GTA V playtimes shake out across different players:

PlaystyleAvg. Playtime
Main Story only31-32 hours
Main + Extras45-55 hours
Complete Story80-100+ hours

As this breakdown shows, just focusing on core story content takes most gamers around 31-32 hours playtime. However:

  • Taking time to smell the roses and complete minor side content adds 14-23 more hours.
  • And "completionist" players striving for 100% completion end up spending 80-100+ hours in GTA V‘s sprawling open world.

So in essence, how long it takes to finish GTA V can vary by 300% or more – from as little as 30 hours, to over 100 hours for a maxed out playthrough.

Let‘s analyze what goes into these different playstyles, and what exactly it means to "finish" GTA 5 if you‘re not stopping to smell the roses.

What Does "Finishing" GTA V‘s Story Entail?

GTA V Protagonists

Before calculating how long beating the story takes in GTA V, it‘s important to clarify what exactly that means.

At its core, GTA V‘s critical path main story spans 69 mandatory missions. These comprise key events moving the narrative forward across the interwoven tales of Michael, Franklin and Trevor.

100% completion requires finishing all of these core missions – but other activities players might associate with a conventional GTA "story", like Strangers & Freaks side questlines, are technically optional.

Here‘s a high-level overview of key milestones within GTA V‘s 31~ hour core critical path:

  • Early missions focus on Michael and Frankin meeting, then pulling off more elite scores.
  • The first major arc revolves around infiltrating a privately-run state prison.
  • Later, Trevor‘s introduction completely shakes up the status quo in bombastic fashion.
  • 20+ hours in, the story builds to an epic final heist based on player choices.
  • Finally, one of several climaxes plays out based on the player‘s endgame decision.

So in summary – "beating GTA 5‘s story", from a completionist standpoint, means playing through all 69 of those core, mandatory storyline missions.

These make up the essential chain of events centered around Michael, Franklin, Trevor and their criminal plots within Los Santos and Blaine County.

Average Playtime: 31-32 Hours Focused Solely on Story

According to aggregated data from over 5,000 GTA V players on HowLongToBeat, completing all 69 story missions without engaging in optional content takes between 31 and 32 hours on average.

This positions the GTA V main story as longer than roughly 90% of single-player games on the market. For reference, other epic AAA open world games generally clock in between 25~50 hours for their main story as well:

GameMain Story Playtime
GTA V31-32 hours
Red Dead 243 hours
The Witcher 351 hours
Skyrim37 hours

However, experienced gamers playing efficiently can likely beat the GTA V story quicker – many have clocked in at under 30 hours playtime through mission rushing and optimization.

And on the flip side, players newer to GTA or gaming in general may need 35-40+ hours just to complete the mandatory missions comprising the main narrative beats. The freedom and chaos of Los Santos can be overwhelming for some!

Regardless, for the general gaming public, 31-32 hours is a reasonable estimate for completing GTA V‘s core 69 story missions from start to climatic finish.

Below we‘ll analyze how both speedrunners and completionist players end up deviating wildly from that average figure in opposing directions.

Speedrunning: Beating GTA 5 in Under 16 Hours

For speedrunners focused on rushing GTA V in record time, the main story can be completed in under 16 hours through major sequence breaks and combat shortcuts.

Below is a sample speedrun from record holder Farottone1, who holds one of the fastest known times completing GTA V without major glitches across 5 separate categories:

*YouTube speedrun of GTA V completed in just 15 hours 43 minutes. Source: Farottone1*

In order to optimize the main critical path this aggressively, GTA V speedruns utilize major shortcuts like:

  • Skipping long drives by teleporting or abusing mechanics
  • Manipulating NPC behavior to bypass combat
  • Quitting unavoidable animations and events early
  • Planning optimized routes mission-to-mission
  • Memorizing required inputs to reduce reaction times

By combining these time-saving techniques, top GTA speedrunners can slash up to 50% off an average playthrough. Reducing necessary missions and traversal down to the absolute minimum thresholds.

Put simply, knowing GTA V inside and out enables cutting over 15 hours off conventional playtimes even while still completing all 69 story missions. An impressive feat of discipline and mastery!

100% Completion: 80-100+ Hours to Max Out GTA V

At the other end of the spectrum, GTA fans striving for 100% completion end up spending over 2-3X more time than the average story playthrough.

Because while the critical path runs at circa 30 hours, GTA V‘s content-rich open world features hundreds more optional activities.

GTA V Completion Chart

*Overview of requirements for 100% game completion in GTA V. Source: GamePressure*

Based on crowdsourced reports from completionist players, reaching that satisfying 100% counter requires between 80 to 100+ hours depending on skill/efficiency.

This involves completing tasks like:

  • All 69 story missions across the three protagonists
  • All Strangers & Freaks side questlines
  • All property missions (towing cars, sea races etc)
  • All hobbies and activities (shooting range, triathlons etc)
  • All random events to trigger across Los Santos
  • Collecting all spaceship parts/submarine pieces
  • Gold medals in all missions for 100% completion

The upside is these optional challenges expand on GTA V‘s phenomenal open world in fun ways. But tackling each activity, questline and collectible is a major time investment beyond enjoying the 31~ hour story.

For context, here is a great 100% completion guide from Gtamen breaking down all requirements:

*YouTube walkthrough showing how to achieve 100% completion*

So in summary: Reaching that coveted 100% counter next to your GTA V save takes a dedicated effort, with over 250+ additional tasks on top of the 69 core story missions.

Plan for an 80-100+ hour journey through Los Santos and Blaine County to catch ‘em all!

In Conclusion: 31-32 Hours Focused on Story Alone

To answer the original question…

How long does it take to finish GTA V‘s story mode without stopping?

Based on aggregated data from thousands of players:

  • The average GTA V playtime just completing 69 core story missions is 31-32 hours.
  • Speedrunners can slash this down to under 16 hours via optimizations.
  • While 100% completionists spend 80-100+ hours maxing everything out.

So if you‘re planning to play GTA V just for the narrative about Michael, Franklin, Trevor and their criminal exploits – budget around 31-33 hours focused solely on those 69 critical path events.

This positions Rockstar‘s modern classic as longer than about 90% of single-player games. You‘ll truly get your money‘s worth!

But of course, I‘m preaching to the choir here – GTA fans know the real fun begins when you get lost simply enjoying the immersive atmosphere and wealth of activities within Los Santos and Blaine County…

Let me know your own playtimes for finishing GTA V down in the comments!

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