How Long Does it Take to Get 99 in All Skills in OSRS?

Getting 99 in all skills takes between 2,000 to 2,500 hours on average for most players. However, using the most efficient training methods possible, maxing out every skill can be achieved in approximately 1,700 hours.

This guide provides a detailed breakdown of the fastest methods, average times, and tips for maxing skills efficiently on the journey to unlocking every skillcape in Old School RuneScape.

Combat Skills

Combat skills can be some of the fastest to train to 99, especially if you have the wealth to fund expensive methods like chinchompa ranged training or bursting magic spells. Here is the breakdown:

SkillFastest MethodExp RateTime to 99
AttackDharok NMZ~130k xp/hr~100 hours
StrengthDharok NMZ~150k xp/hr~65 hours
DefenceDharok NMZ~130k xp/hr~100 hours
RangedChinchompas~170k xp/hr~75 hours
PrayerGilded altar~890k xp/hr~14 hours
MagicBursting~220k xp/hr~55 hours

So in total, maxing all combat skills using the fastest known methods takes approximately 500 hours. The most time-consuming is getting 99 defence and attack.

Gathering Skills

Gathering skills like Woodcutting, Fishing, and Mining tend to be on the slower side to reach 99. Here are the top methods and expected times:

SkillFastest MethodExp RateTime to 99
Mining3T Granite~50k xp/hr~200 hours
Fishing3T Barb fishing~70k xp/hr~135 hours
Woodcutting3T Teaks~75k xp/hr~125 hours
HunterBlack chins~180k xp/hr~55 hours

Expect around 510 hours to go from level 1 to 99 in the core gathering skills. Hunter is the clear outlier, taking far less time thanks to black chinchompas.

Artisan Skills

The artisan production skills like Cooking and Crafting are relatively fast to train:

SkillFastest MethodExp RateTime to 99
CookingWines~500k xp/hr~25 hours
FletchingDarts~600k xp/hr~20 hours
CraftingGlass blowing~300k xp/hr~40 hours
FiremakingWintertodt~125k xp/hr~100 hours

You can expect to spend around 185 hours maxing out the artisan skills in OSRS. Cooking and Fletching are by far the fastest to achieve 99.

Support Skills

While not directly used in combat or money-making, support skills are essential for accessing high-level gear and content:

SkillFastest MethodExp RateTime to 99
AgilityPrif Course~80k xp/hr~160 hours
HerbloreOverload Sets~500k xp/hr~25 hours
ThievingElves~260k xp/hr~50 hours
SlayerWildy w/ Cannon~65k xp/hr~700 hours
FarmingTrees & Fruit Trees~115k xp/hr~110 hours
ConstructionMyth Cape Mount~1M xp/hr~12 hours

Slayer dominates as the most time-intensive skill to max out due to the slow rates and long road to level 99. In total, expect to invest 550 hours into the support skills, with Slayer taking up the lion‘s share.

Profitable Skills Priority

For players short on GP starting out, you‘ll want to prioritize leveling skills that can generate consistent profits on the journey to maxing your account. Here are some of the best skills to focus early for money-making:

  • Hunter: Catching black chinchompas and selling is ~600k-1M gp/hr to 99.
  • Crafting: Making gold amulets can profit ~500k gp/hr on the way to 99.
  • Runecrafting: Crafting natures is ~1.2M gp/hr and double cosmics ~700k gp/hr up to level 91.

Leveling Hunter, Crafting, and Runecrafting efficiently will earn you over 500M OSRS gold, allowing you to fund expensive buyable skills like Construction and Herblore later on.

Useful Tips for the Journey

Here are some key tips to making the 2,000+ hour maxing journey as smooth as possible:

  • Take breaks and avoid burning out on one skill for too long. Variety is key.
  • Join an OSRS clan for encouragement, advice, competition, and enjoying the game with others.
  • Set clear goals and milestone capes to work towards while having an eye on the long-term max cape.
  • Use quest rewards, achievement diaries, and early boosting methods to accelerate early levels.
  • Analyze the most efficient order for leveling skills based on account needs and preferred money-makers.

Maxing a RuneScape account is no small feat, but with knowledge of the best methods and commitment to the grind, unlocking every 99 cape is an incredible achievement. For any questions or suggestions, feel free to connect!

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