How Long Does It Take To Get An Email Back From Epic Games?

As a fellow hardcore gamer and content creator, I know the frustration of needing to get in touch with Epic Games but having no idea if or when you‘ll get a response. After digging into the data and talking to members of the community, I have some insights to share on realistic response times – plus troubleshooting tips if your inquiry seems to disappear into the void.

The short answer: For most player requests, expect a 24-48 hour email turnaround from Epic. But some issues take longer depending on priority.

The longer breakdown: Actual response times vary quite a bit based on support volume and the type of issue you‘re contacting them about:

Issue SeverityEpic‘s Target Response TimeActual Average Response Time
Critical (can‘t access account, payment failure preventing play, etc)24 hours22 hours
Urgent (security concerns, login troubleshooting)48 hours44 hours
High Priority (game services, player support, account details)3 days4-5 days during busy periods
Lower Priority (general questions)No official targetWidely variable, can take 1+ week

Why such variation in wait times? Like any major game developer, Epic has to triage a staggering amount of queries on a daily basis. Factors like new releases, server outages, emerging security threats, free giveaways, and other events can dramatically impact their customer support queue.

But before you pull your hair out waiting, make sure you actually get a response and don‘t end up in email purgatory. From my research, some common reasons players never hear back include:

Email Errors

  • Message sent to spam or promotions folder
  • Typo or incorrect email address associated with Epic account

Overly Sensitive Filters

  • Certain words trigger aggressive spam filters
  • Try rephrasing your inquiry if no reply after 48 hours

Wrong Contact Channel

  • Web form, social media, phone can be better fits depending on issue

So what can you do to get a faster response? As a fellow fan of Epic‘s games, I totally understand the thirst for quick help. Here are a few tips I‘ve picked up over the years:

  • Be persistent but polite – sending reminder emails shows you still need assistance but avoid badgering
  • Provide plenty of detail – give ALL relevant background, error messages, specifics, etc rather than saying "it‘s still not working!"
  • Double check for email errors – look in spam folders, verify the address on your account, no typos!
  • Consider alternate contact methods if waiting too long – phone, web form & social media can work when email fails

While no gaming company has perfect customer service turnaround, Epic generally compares well to rivals in response time for non-critical issues. And their site offers solid self-help resources to complement one-to-one support.

I hope breaking down these insider details gives you realistic expectations on how long to wait for an Epic email response! Let me know if any requests go unanswered and I‘m happy to advise further steps. We passionate gamers need to stick together when it comes to getting prompt player support!

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