So How Long Does It Really Take to Hit Friendship 10 in Genshin Impact?

As an avid Genshin Impact gamer and content creator, one of the most common questions I get is "how long does it take to get to friendship level 10?" So let‘s dive into the nitty-gritty details!

An Overview of Genshin‘s Friendship System

For those new to the game, Genshin features a friendship leveling system that unlocks cool rewards and story tidbits as you grow closer to characters.

  • Reaching level 10 friendship nets you a unique namecard to show off your dedication!
  • Gaining friendship revolves around completing daily activities like commissions, using resin, defeating enemies etc.
  • Each new level requires more points than the last, accelerating sharply after level 6.
Friendship LevelTotal EXP Required

As you can see, those last few levels are a serious grind!

Estimating The Journey to Level 10 Friendship

Focusing on commissions and resin only:

  • ~60 friendship EXP daily
  • That‘s 483 days of continuous grind!
  • Or about 1 year and 4 months per character…

Maximizing ALL available options:

  • Upwards of 500+ EXP daily
  • Roughly 58 days to friendship 10
  • AKA 2 months of solid dedication

My own records show level 10 taking about 6-8 weeks per character when really optimizing daily play. So for a full party, we‘re looking at 5-7 months until everyone‘s finished.

That estimate assumes heavily focusing friendship leveling over other progress. Casually playing may double or triple that timeline easily!

What Does "Optimizing" Friendship Gains Actually Involve?

As an expert guide creator, let me break down EVERY trick I leverage to accelerate Genshin friendship ranking:

Complete Commissions and Spend All Resin

  • The backbone of "routine" daily tasks.
  • 60-100 base friendship EXP daily.

Utilize Random World Events

  • Limited to ~10 events providing 15-20 EXP each.
  • That‘s up to 200 bonus daily friendship EXP!
Click to Expand – In-Depth Look at Random World Events

Accessing the maximum daily world events involves regularly checking for any available. Key types include:

  • NPC quests marked by blue exclamation points
  • Shrine key puzzles providing Luxurious/Precious/Exquisite chests upon solving
  • World bosses like the various Hypostasis or Regisvines

Each world event type has a daily limit, so you have to mix up engaging them all.

Craft Weapon Ascension Materials

  • Forging mystic enhancement ore rewards ~12 EXP per 20 resin.
  • Hard to sustain long-term, but great for bursts of EXP.

Clear Domains in Co-Op Mode

  • Doubles character friendship gains to 20 EXP per 20 resin!
  • Revives also provide huge 50 EXP rewards.

As you can see, persistence and dedicating time daily are vital on the road to level 10. It takes a true commitment, but the payoff of those gorgeous namecards makes it worthwhile!

Closing Thoughts on Genshin‘s Friendship Grind

Level 10 friendship is a long-term goal requiring almost religious daily devotion in Genshin Impact. The total 29,120 EXP is not attained casually. But for diehard fans like myself, the challenge makes finally earning those namecards for my mains so much sweeter!

On average, expect reaching friendship 10 to take 1.5-2 months per character minimally. With careful optimization, that might fall to 6-8 weeks each.

So there you have it – a fully comprehensive deep dive on powering up friendships in Teyvat! Let me know if this guide helps you finally grab those gorgeous namecards for your favorite characters!

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