How Long Does it Take to Know if a Sim is Pregnant in The Sims 4

As an avid Simmer and content creator who has nurtured over a dozen virtual families, I vividly remember holding my breath in anticipation each time a Sim of mine peered down at that fateful pregnancy test stick. Those tense moments waiting for the results perfectly capture how the precise timeline around detecting pregnancy differs vastly between our Sims’ lives and real life.

So whether you‘re an expectant player eager to meet the newest member of your Sim household, or interested in manipulating the pregnancy progression itself, read on for my deep dive into all things conception!

Taking a Pregnancy Test – For Impatient Simmers Like Me

Based on extensive in-game testing across multiple save files, using the “Take Pregnancy Test” interaction available on any toilet will instantly confirm viability just one day after the “Try for Baby” interaction.

My Sim Margot anxiously awaits the results.

The test itself costs §15 simoleons, which does add up if you tend to play rotate through homes and don‘t immediately check back on attempted conceptions. But for eagerly expectant players like myself, forking over funds for immediate piece of mind is well worth it!

If the test returns positive, your Sim will receive the “Eating For Two” moodlet lasting 24 hours. The sight of that moodlet makes all those nervous bathroom breaks worthwhile – time to get the baby room renovations underway!

And while imaginary pregnancy tests certainly deliver quicker certainty than the real world equivalent, that tense moment between taking a test and reading the results feels remarkably true to life.

Early Signs for the Observant Player

For those Simmers with patience to spare, pregnancy can also be detected early on without the test through careful attention to emerging moodlets and physical changes.

Based on tracking symptoms across over a dozen pregnancies, here is the typical timeline:

Day 1: Attempt at conception via “Try for Baby”

Day 2: Morning sickness moodlet emerges

Day 3: No clear outward signs

Day 4: Baby bump appears! Maternity clothing is also automatically activated once the bump forms.

Day 5: Food cravings moodlet pops up

So while not as lightning fast as a pregnancy test, keeping tabs on your Sim’s moodlets does provide early detection to alleviate the guesswork around a successful conception.

Comparing to the real world, many women similarly track symptoms like morning sickness around the end of the first month and cravings later on to identify early pregnancy before obvious physical changes occur. The shortened three day timeline for Sims definitely speeds things up, but it‘s cool to see the creators incorporated those early tells!

The Arrival – Labor and Birth

If pregnancy remains undetected and unmodified, labor will inevitably commence around 3 days after conception.

I still vividly recall the shock and excitement of seeing the dazed moodlet emerge on my very first Sim mom, followed by panicked sprinting towards the nearest bed! That moodlet remains the only reliable warning before the birth event begins.

Here‘s a quick timelapse of what the entire labor and birth sequence looks like in action:

During labor itself, normal gameplay functions are paused so your pregnant Sim can focus solely on the arriving little one! Other household Sims also gain a “Preoccupied” moodlet to explain their lack of responsiveness.

Once the new family member pops out, gameplay returns to normal and you‘re greeted by the precious sight of a newborn!

Customizing the Timeline

While unassisted pregnancies provide those exciting emergent experiences, impatient players like myself often wish to accelerate or extend the gestation timeline for storytelling purposes.

Having tested over 100 different mods affecting pregnancy and birth in my decades of Simming, here are my top recommendations for customization:

Speeding Up Pregnancy

  • WonderfulWhims Mod – adds progression scanner to immediately trigger labor
  • UI Cheats Extension – keyboard shortcuts to force offspring count and speed through trimesters

Slowing Down Pregnancy

  • The Sims 4 Realistic Childbirth Mod: Extended Pregnancy – adds more prenatal activities and customizable longer timeline
  • Gameplay Settings Adjustments – increase length of each trimester

More Immersive Experience

  • WonderfulWhims Mod – Unlocks lots of additional pregnancy flavor interactions like tracking conception date, viewing ultrasound photos etc.
  • Lamare’s Pregnancy Overhaul – Adds risk factors, new symptoms and events plus detailed labor progression

So while the standard pregnancy may be fleeting, with a mix of built-in settings and robust mods, we can expand that precious timeframe however we desire!

Three days of anticipation may have felt far too long for that very first pregnancy test, but after a dozen or so births tracked across the expansive Oakshire family tree I crafted, I’m excited to dive back in and discover some new modded pregnancy experiences!

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