How Long Does Mortal Kombat 11 Story Mode Take?

As a hardcore MK fan excited for each new evolution of the iconic series, one of my favorite parts of every release is digging into the epic story mode. Mortal Kombat‘s rich 30-year lore and diverse cast of characters lends itself perfectly to creating engaging narratives parallel to the tight fighting mechanics.

So for those excited to jump into MK11‘s cinematic story on purchase, let‘s break down what you‘re getting in terms of length and content from start to bloody finish!

12 Thrilling Chapters Total Nearly 50 Fights

Mortal Kombat 11‘s story mode consists of 12 chapters, ranging from 3 to 5 fights each. Across all chapters, you‘re looking at around 50 total battles tying together the overarching narrative.

As with most fighting games, you‘ll need to win key fights to progress the story. Losing makes you retry from the last checkpoint. The total number of fights thus varies a bit based on skill level.

Here‘s a quick breakdown of all the white-knuckle chapters:

ChapterFightsNew Character
Chapter 15Geras
Chapter 23
Chapter 34Kollector

I won‘t spoil everything, but suffice to say each chapter ratchets up the drama and conflict, while introducing new and returning characters like time-bending Geras.

Familiar faces like Scorpion and Raiden square off against new big bad Kronika in Mortal Kombat‘s signature violent style across dimensions and eras.

8 Hours on Average Factoring Cutscenes

So how long will it take to slice-and-dice through the entire Mortal Kombat 11 story mode from start to finish?

Including watching all cutscenes and assuming a moderate skill level, the average completion time lands around 8 hours based on data aggregated from players on HowLongToBeat.

For skilled fighting game veterans familiar with MK‘s mechanics, you can shave this down to around 6 hours skipping cutscenes. But what fun is that? The cinematics and dialogue are key to enjoying the wild ride!

Compared to Mortal Kombat X‘s story running 5 hours on average, the 11th installment packs in much more content and depth to the narrative experience.

Story Sets Stage for Mortal Kombat‘s Future

Without dropping heavy spoilers, Mortal Kombat 11 concludes long-running story arcs around Raiden and Liu Kang which have stretched across multiple MK games in bold fashion.

Many fans and critics praised MK11‘s story as the best in series history – no small feat considering 2011‘s Mortal Kombat also set a high bar for fighting game narratives.

As NetherRealm Studios wraps up trilogies for fan-favorite characters, it makes room to introduce exciting new kombatants in Mortal Kombat 12 and beyond!

Wealth of Single Player Content Beyond Story

While this guide has focused on story mode run time, it‘s important to note Mortal Kombat 11 packs a staggering amount of solo content that will keep you bloody and busy.

Alongside the 12-chapter narrative campaign, MK11 includes:

  • Classic Towers – Single-player ladder challenges of increasing difficulty
  • Character Towers – Multi-tiered objective ladders tailored to each fighter
  • The Krypt – Explore and unlock concept art, costumes, fatalities, and more

And we haven‘t even gotten into multiplayer content like online ranked matches and King of the Hill arenas!

As a solo player myself, I‘ve sunk over 50 hours into MK11 and still discover new reward unlocks and unlockables. Well worth the full retail price!

Finish Him! Friedrich‘s Take on MK11 Story

As both a casual player who enjoys MK‘s goofy gorefest vibe and a gaming enthusiast invested in the series‘ growth, I found Mortal Kombat 11 to hit all the right notes while pushing boundaries.

The story mode campaign alone offers 6-10 hours of hilariously over-the-top action cutscenes woven between accessible yet surprisingly strategic fighting challenges.

MK11 retains the kinetic feel that makes picking up a controller and pulling off outrageous combos intoxicating while adding thoughtful mechanics that competitive players appreciate.

And the story itself stuck the landing in wrapping up long-running sagas while introducing new threats like Kronika and Geras that have me dying to see what‘s next for the series!

I‘ll surely be replaying MK11‘s wild story mode many times over while perfecting my Scorpion kombos before the inevitable Mortal Kombat 12 down the road. Give me more!

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