How Long Does WWE 2K22 MyRise Take? Expect a 50+ Hour Marathon

If you‘re wondering how long does wwe 2k22 myrise take – get ready for a slow marathon, not a sprint! Based on early player reports, completing the entire MyRise storyline from start to finish requires a hefty time investment of over 50 hours. And that‘s without maxing out your created superstar or finishing all the bonus challenge matches.

As an avid WWE gamer since the Smackdown days, I live for massive career modes. So I couldn‘t wait to dive into MyRise‘s dual male and female lead narratives spanning amateur wrestling to WWE stardom. If you want all the juicy details, stick around as I break down everything you need to know about WWE 2K22‘s MyRise mode length.

Expected MyRise Completion Timeline

Here‘s a quick overview of how long it takes to finish key milestones in the sprawling MyRise career, based on early player estimates:

MyRise MilestoneEst. Time to Complete
Tutorial and intro matches1-2 hours
NXT Amateur Wrestling storyline8-12 hours
Making WWE Main Roster debut12-15 hours
Finishing male & female lead stories25-30 hours each
Post-story challenge matches15+ hours
Attribute/Ability maxing20+ hours
Total for 100% completion80-100+ hours

As you can see, there is A LOT packed into this mode. Expect to spend dozens of hours guiding your created hopeful through the WWE rankings.

Casual players finishing mostly just main story beats can wrap up MyRise in 50-ish hours. But diehard completionists hoping to conquer all bonus content are looking at a 100+ hour gameplay marathon.

Main Storyline Length Analysis

The meatiest chunk of time comes from completing the male and female lead MyRise story arcs as you slowly progress towards championship glory.

Let‘s break those down a bit further based on early chapter estimates:

Male Lead Story Breakdown

  • Amateur Wrestling School Saga – 3-5 hours
  • NXT Recruitment/Rivalry – 6-8 hours
  • NXT Championship Pursuit – 10-15 hours
  • Main Roster Call Up – 3-5 hours
  • World Title Chases – 10-15 hours
  • Total – About 32-48 hours

Female Lead Story Breakdown

  • Amateur Wrestling School Days – 3-5 hours
  • NXT Signing/Draft – 5-8 hours
  • Smackdown Rivalry – 8-12 hours
  • Raw Championship Chase – 12-15 hours
  • Evolution 2 Storyline – 5-8 hours
  • Total – About 33-48 hours

So all in all, you‘re looking at potentially 30+ hours per storyline if you also complete all optional showcase matches and training drills along the way.

Post Game Grind Duration

Even after finally capturing glory in the main stories, there‘s still a bevy of content left unfinished for most players.

Here‘s a quick rundown of sizable post-game grinds:

  • Bonus Prize Fights – At least 5-10 hours of challenging fights
  • Battleground objectives – Easily 10+ hours if going for 100%
  • Attribute grind to reach 90+ – Could be 10-15+ hours
  • Skill tree completion – A few hours max

When totaled up, you‘re looking at potentially another 30 hours spent on "post-game" MyRise content.

Some other activities like returning for rematches or completing leftover training modules can add even more potential playtime. It all stacks up!

Does MyRise Ever End?

Unlike traditional career modes, MyRise doesn‘t really have a definitive "ending" even after completing the male & female lead stories.

The open-ended design means you can keep returning to grind attributes, finish leftover challenges, or replay story chapters. Hardcore players may sink over 100 hours perfecting a MyRise save file over months without losing steam.

However, most players will feel a sense of narrative completion once they:

  • Win their first WWE World Championship
  • Unlock major post-game reward characters like "The Godfather"
  • Achieve a high wrestler rating like 90+ overall
  • Max out attribute categories & ability tree

Ultimately the question of "how long does MyRise take" comes down to your personal completionist goals. But no matter what, be ready for a slow and steady 50+ hour journey to conquer it all!

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