How Long is 100 Minecraft Days in Real Life?

100 Minecraft days equals about 1 day and 9 hours of real-life time. That‘s over 33 hours spent in your blocky, creative paradise! Let‘s break this down…

The Math Behind Minecraft Days

  • Each in-game day lasts 20 real-life minutes
  • Each in-game day contains 24,000 ticks
  • Each tick lasts 50 milliseconds

So 24,000 ticks x 50 milliseconds per tick = 20 minutes per Minecraft day.

To save you doing math, here is a comparison of Minecraft time to real-life durations:

Minecraft TimeReal-Life Time
1 hour3 minutes
1 day20 minutes
1 week2 hours 20 minutes
100 days33 hours 20 minutes
1,000 days14 days

As you can see, spending 100 days building, exploring and surviving in Minecraft requires over 33 hours in real life.

What You Can Achieve in 100 Minecraft Days

33 hours is a massive amount of playtime – especially in a huge procedurally generated world! Here‘s just some of what you could experience and accomplish across 100 Minecraft days:

  • Defeat the Ender Dragon 3 times over
  • Construct an entire township from scratch
  • Gather over 10,000 pieces of cobblestone
  • Mine enough diamond to craft multiple sets of armor
  • Max out your armor and weapon enchantments
  • Build 5 fully automated farming systems
  • Read 3,000 pages worth of in-game books
  • Explore 5,000 x 5,000 blocks of terrain
  • Spend over 16 hours sprinting/jumping
  • Acquire every material needed for potion-making
  • Die over 100 times!

YouTube creators like Luke TheNotable famously spent 100 days in hardcore mode, accomplishing incredible feats across land, sea and nether. 100 days is also popular for fan challenges – spending that time only underground, on nomadic journeys, or other creative limitations!

Suffice to say, you can achieve a lot depending on your playstyle!

Extending Gameplay Past 100 Days

After hitting that big 100 day milestone, the fun in Minecraft is far from over. In fact, spending 100 days just allows you to launch off into wilder adventures!

Popular ways players extend their gameplay include:

  • Alternate Dimensions – Build a nether portal to access endless new resources in the blistering Nether dimension. Or defeat the Ender Dragon to reach the mysterious End dimension.

  • Maxing Achievements – 100 days gives you a great base to tackle Minecraft‘s hardest achievements, like:

    • How Did We Get Here? (Have all status effects applied at once)
    • Adventuring Time (Discover all biomes)
  • Redstone Innovations – Redstone builds allow near-endless mechanical creativity. Use it to build 3D printers, flying machines, arcade games, and automated industrial systems!

  • Challenge Runs – The community constantly creates unique limitations to overcome, such as never leaving the nether dimension, relying only on farming, speedruns, and so much more!

  • Servers & Multiplayer – Join massive servers to collaborate on builds, compete in minigames, or roleplay in thriving communities.

So while 100 Minecraft days takes just 33 hours initially, those hours can stretch into thousands when you engage with the game‘s countless possibilities!

In Summary…

Spending 100 days in Minecraft requires around 33 hours of real-life time. But with abundant resources, unrestricted creativity and multiplayer access – those 100 days mark just the beginning of your limitless journey into blocks!

So next time you login and see "100 Days" displayed on your world, see it not as an ending but as a springboard into greater adventures ahead! Bring ambitious goals, innovative ideas and passion to invest hundreds more rewarding hours in Minecraft.

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