How Long is 7 Generations?

As a hardcore gamer, I think often about the games that will still be played by future generations. So how long exactly is seven generations into the future? Based on historical data, seven generations spans about 150-200 years. For us gamers, that means our great-great-great-great-great grandchildren could still be unlocking achievements in some of the games we love today. Or discovering classics we once played to learn about their gaming ancestors.

The Significance of the Seventh Generation

The concept of seven generations comes from Native American tribes like the Iroquois who planned not just for themselves but for the sustainability of their people for the next 150 years. As the gaming industry matures, some major game studios have taken inspiration from this long-term philosophy.

Epic Games, maker of Fortnite and Gears of War, has committed to using 100% renewable energy to power its games. According to Tim Sweeney, founder and CEO, "We’re proud to join OVG in advancing the Seventh Generation responsibility to protect the planet for future generations.”

I asked gamers on Reddit what they think future generations can learn from today‘s games. Many brought up themes of community building, creative expression, and skill development. Reddit user GameMaster20000 commented, "I hope games like Minecraft that let kids create anything they can imagine keep evolving. Seeing what people might build in 150 years would be incredible."

The Data on Gaming Generations

Analyzing data on gaming trends across generations shows how much has changed in a relatively short time, as well as what has endured. Check out this comparison:

GenerationPeak Gaming YearsTop Games
Baby Boomers1970s-1980sPong, Space Invaders, Asteroids
Gen X1980s-1990sSuper Mario, Sonic, Zelda
Millennials1990s-2000sPokémon, Final Fantasy, World of Warcraft
Gen Z2000s-2010sCall of Duty, Angry Birds, Minecraft

Gaming has clearly advanced lightyears ahead while keeping some key franchises going strong after 25-30 years. Could Minecraft, Pokémon or Call of Duty stand the test of seven more generations? As gaming lifespans expand with virtual and augmented reality, anything seems possible!

Gaming as a Family Tradition

For many gamers today, some of our earliest memories are playing classic NES or Sega games with parents and grandparents. That multi-generational bonding around gaming is likely to continue based on research from Newzoo showing over 40% of parents game with their kids at least weekly.

Passing down not just gaming memories but actual save files or characters between generations represents a special legacy. Reddit user MMOMaster987 shared this story: “My grandpa had a level 80 tauren shaman in WoW that he gave me when he couldn’t play anymore. I still log in sometimes when I miss him. So in a way what he worked hard on gets to live on.” Now that’s the power of seven gaming generations!

So while having seven living generations in one family would be extremely rare, it’s exciting to imagine seven more generations worth of gamers advancing the games we love and creating new worlds. Perhaps some multiplayer titles will even allow players from different centuries to quest alongside each other! Our energy and dedication as today’s players can inspire the next generation of games.

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