How Long is 72 Hours?

72 hours equals 3 full days or 2,880 minutes or 172,800 seconds. This period allows for rests and recovery during long projects. As a passionate gamer and content creator, I strive to promote healthy gaming habits.

Calculating 72 Hours

Here are some ways to calculate 72 hours from a set start time:

Why 72 Hours Matters

In game development, 72 hours is a common "crunch time" duration pre-release. While dedication is admirable, overwork takes a toll. As an industry, we must balance passion with sustainability.

Healthy Time Limits

  • Mayo Clinic advises teens limit recreational screen time to 2 hours per day [1]
  • American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding digital media for children under 18 months [2]

However, reasonable limits differ by age and occupation. Rigid restrictions may not suit all situations. Open conversations help us understand perspectives.

Work-Life Balance in Gaming

  • In 2020, gaming generated $179.7 billion revenue and employed over 220,000 people [3]
  • Reports show nearly half of developers work over 40 hours per week during crunch time [4]

While extended hours are sometimes unavoidable, chronic overwork risks burnout. Supporting work-life balance boosts productivity and innovation [5].

As an influencer, I pledge to promote sustainability in gaming. We can enjoy this creative industry while still prioritizing health. What positive habits do you implement? I welcome perspectives in the comments.

Table 1. Recommended Time Limits by Age 
│ Age     │ Recommended Limit          │  
│ < 2     │ Avoid screens              │
│ 3-5     │ 1 hour                     │
│ 6-17    │ 2 hours                    │  
│ 18+     │ Set reasonable personal    │    
│         │ limits                     │


[1] Mayo Clinic Staff. "Teens and excessive screen time." Mayo Clinic.

[2] American Academy of Pediatrics Staff. “Make Family Media Use a Healthy Habit.”

[3] Sollars, Taylor. “Industry statistics for gaming globally 2022: Market Share & Data.” Business of Apps.

[4] Edwards, Kate. “Video game crunch: developers open up on why excessive overtime is normalized across the industry.” Games Radar.

[5] Schwartz, Tony. “Relax! Workplace Flexibility Won’t Kill Your Company.” Entrepreneur.

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