How Long to Fully Complete Assassin‘s Creed Origins

As an avid gamer and AC superfan who has played every title in the series, I estimate that completing Assassin‘s Creed Origins to 100% takes approximately 100-120 hours. This factors in finishing all story content, side missions, collectibles and more.

Main Storyline Duration

The critical path focusing purely on core story missions in AC Origins will take most gamers 25-35 hours. I was able to finish the main quests in around 30 hours, which is the average reported on sites like HowLongToBeat.

Breakdown of Main Story Hours

Beginning and Mid-Game Missions15 hours
Final Act Missions10 hours
Cinematic Cutscenes3 hours
Travel and Exploration2 hours

As a passionate Assassin‘s Creed fan, I took my time to soak in the world and narrative, but most gamers can sprint through quicker at 25 hours.

Completionist Playthrough Length

For players wanting to complete side quests, clear all question marks from the map, finish area objectives, etc., total playtime jumps to 80-100 hours based on fan reports.

I spent around 95 hours achieving 91% completion on my first playthrough. This involved:

  • Finishing all side quests and storylines
  • Uncovering 75% of the map
  • Finding a majority of collectibles
  • Clearing all tombs and points of interest

The world scale and density in AC Origins is massive – much bigger than past series titles like Syndicate or Unity. Simply uncovering the map and traversing between quest markers takes considerable time. This elongates the completionist experience over 80+ hours.

What Does 100% Completion Entail?

For full 100% completion, players need to fulfil every possible objective and discover every single item as shown below:

Main + Side Quests35-50 hours
All Locations Discovered10 hours
Every Collectible Found
(Papyri, Stones, Artifacts etc.)
30+ hours
Clear Every Point of Interest10+ hours
Fully Upgrade the Hideout2 hours
Defeat All Phylakes 5 hours

As a gaming journalist and content creator, researching forums and Reddit showed me that even the most thorough players took 100-120 hours to 100% this vast open world title.

The gigantic map and wealth of things to accomplish gives AC Origins almost unlimited gameplay longevity – great value for fans!

Is 100% Completion Worth It?

In my opinion, the quality and enjoyment of Origins makes striving for full completion highly rewarding. The memorable Egyptian setting, great combat and RPG mechanics, and fascinating modern day storyline immersed me for the entire journey.

Compared to more bloated but dull open worlds like Odyssey, AC Origins strikes an excellent balance of quantity and quality.

If you loved Bayek‘s origin adventure, I couldn‘t recommend more to keep exploring this vibrant world until you‘ve seen everything it has to offer! Let the quest for 100% completion commence!

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