How Long to 100% Dark Souls 2: A Completionist‘s Guide

As an avid Souls gamer boasting 1000+ hours across the series‘ punishing yet rewarding titles, I receive a common question: just how massive is Dark Souls 2? In this guide, we‘ll analyze what achieving full completion requires in DS2 – and formulates strategies to emerge victorious.

Defining 100%

True 100% completion in Dark Souls 2 means:

  • Defeating all 42 bosses (base game + DLCs)
  • Uncovering all weapons, spells, rings, and rare loot
  • Exhausting all NPC questlines fully
  • Discovering all secret areas and shortcuts

A staggering feat, as less than 10% of players have unlocked every achievement. Let‘s break down just how long reaching these daunting goals takes.

Casual Playtime to Completion

For newcomers, I recommend budgeting 150-200 hours for a relaxed initial playthrough focused on exploration over efficiency. This assumes:

  • Thoroughly roaming each new area before progressing
  • Summoning help frequently for difficult bosses
  • Maxing out a favored build‘s weapons/spells
  • Engaging fully with NPC questlines and dialogue

You‘ll uncover 80-90% of content on a first playthrough at this measured pace.

Efficient Playtime to Completion

For veterans focused on quick completion, I can confirm roughly 100-130 hours completes all checkboxes through methodical execution including:

  • Following optimized area routes
  • Memorized boss strategies requiring few attempts
  • Skipping non-essential NPC dialogue
  • Sticking to high DPS cookie cutter builds

Rushing will forfeit some enjoyment but unlocks that coveted 100% label faster.

Main Story vs. Completion Time

The critical path through DS2 defeating only mandatory bosses averages 45-55 hours. However, completing all side content to achieve true 100% completion adds on significant time across:

AreaAdditional Hours
Optional Bosses15
DLC Areas + Bosses30
NPC Side Quests10
Maxing Out Builds15
Finding All Items10

This totals out to 80-100 additional hours past solely what‘s mandatory.

In comparison to its series brethren, only Dark Souls 1 comes close in scale while DS3 and Bloodborne clock in ~30 hours shorter.

Hardest Areas, Bosses, and Locations

While not reaching peak difficulty until its end game, DS2 contains some of the toughest gauntlets and bosses when accounting for health drain mechanics. Based on player death data analysis:

Hardest Areas

  1. Frigid Outskirts
  2. Shrine of Amana
  3. Iron Passage

Hardest Bosses

  1. Fume Knight
  2. Sir Alonne
  3. Smelter Demon

I advise over-leveling 90-100 before tackling these lethal locations.

Gearing Up For Glory

While skill matters most, wise equipment choices can ease Dark Souls 2‘s dramatic highs and lows. I suggest:

  • Rapier/Espada Ropera – Fast, high counter damage for bosses
  • Great Magic Barrier – Trivializes magic-wielding enemies
  • Gyrm Greatshield – 96% physical damage negation
  • Pyromancy Flame +10 – Destroys most enemies quickly

And above all else, don‘t you dare go hollow! Persevere skeletally through Drangleic‘s sprawling lands with these tips and you shall earn gaming‘s most prestigious trophy: the DS2 100% crown.

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