How Long is the Diamond Casino Heist Cooldown Again?

The cooldown period is 10 minutes if you pay Lester‘s $100,000 setup fee. This short wait lets you replay the finale nonstop without preps. If you don‘t pay, it‘s a 48 minute (1 GTA day) wait to do the prep work again.

As an avid GTA Online gamer, I‘ve helped crews pull off the Diamond Casino heist countless times. In this guide, I‘ll share expert tips to maximize your payouts and minimize the wait between replay attempts.

Weighing the Value of Diamond Casino Loot

Thanks to my connections in the criminal underworld, I‘ve compiled some handy data to help you pick the most profitable loot target:

Loot TypeApprox. Value (Normal)Approx. Value (Hard)
Diamonds$3.29 million$3.47 million
Gold$2.58 million$2.73 million
Artwork$2.35 million$2.49 million
Cash$2.11 million$2.24 million

As you can see, diamonds fetch the highest payout by far! Many crews I work with refuse to settle for cash since it seems like too much effort for lower rewards.

In my opinion, artwork and gold are solid backup options if you aren‘t able to nab the rare diamonds during intel gathering. The extra $300k – $400k is nothing to sneeze at!

Maximizing Your Criminal Mastermind Payouts

Thanks to hundreds of successful heist speed runs, I‘ve identified some key tips for replay success:

  • Always complete the finale to trigger the short 10 minute cooldown instead of the 48 minute one. Abandoning early leads to longer prep delays!
  • Pay Lester‘s $100k bribe every time. I know it stings, but saving those prep missions makes it so worth it.
  • Gather intel before each attempt to reroll your vault contents luck. One run you‘re stuck with cash, the next could be diamonds!
  • Stick with the same skilled crew. Chemistry and experience leads to elite challenge times.
  • Perfect the elite requirements for an extra 10% bonus! Makes a huge difference on those $3 million diamond scores.

If you follow these tips, you‘ll be swimming in so much illicit GTA wealth you won‘t know what to spend it on! Centuries ago, legendary bank robber Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks. His answer? "Because that‘s where the money is!" The same logic applies to grinding the Diamond Casino finale.

Analysis: Why This Heist is a Favorite for Big Scores

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the latest GTA news, I analyze gameplay elements from all angles before recommending favorite money makers. Here‘s why seasoned players agree the Diamond Casino heist can lead to massive criminal enterprise profits:

High Base Payouts
The vault contents themselves result in a minimum of $2 million per finale, with the coveted diamonds yielding up to $3.5 million! Only the Cayo Perico heist offers better cash potential.

Unlike story heists you can only play once, the open world design of the Casino finale means crews can perfect runs and grind out replays continuously. It‘s excellent consistent income.

Elite Challenges
Each approach features elective Elite Challenges that can net your crew an extra 10% bonus! They take some practice, but lead to leaderboard topping hauls.

Combine the factors above with a bit of skill, teamwork and luck and you‘ll be making off like Ocean‘s 11 in no time. This lucrative replay source is too good for ambitious kingpins to pass up!

I‘d love to hear your best tips and stories for scoring huge Diamond Casino paydays in the comments! And be sure to subscribe for more gameplay guides soon. Now get out there and grab those diamonds! This vault isn‘t gonna crack itself.

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