How Long is God of War 3‘s Epic Journey?

For those eager to embark on Kratos‘ gripping quest for vengeance, God of War 3‘s main story lasts about 10 hours. But if you seek 100% completion to fully experience this masterpiece, you‘re looking at over 17 hours of gut-wrenching, titan-sized action.

As an avid fan who considers God of War 3 one of gaming‘s crowning achievements, I‘ve explored every inch of this brutal odyssey multiple times. Here‘s an in-depth breakdown of everything that contributes to GoW3‘s playtime length:

God of War 3 Game Modes and Playstyles

God of War 3‘s scale and scope offers different paths for experiencing its bloody masterpiece:

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PlaystyleGameplay FocusExpected Length
Main Story RushOnly critical path and boss fights8-10 hours
Moderate PlaythroughSome side content mixed with story progress12-15 hours
Completionist RunAll side quests, collectibles, secrets17-18 hours

As this table shows, God of War 3‘s scale from start to absolute finish is massive. Few games can match the breadth and depth found within the peaks of Mt. Olympus to the darkest bowels of Hades.

What Drives Playtime Variability?

Several key factors cause God of War 3‘s playtime experiences to differ:

1. Difficulty Setting

Tackling this savage quest on harder modes like Chaos or Ultimate will force even seasoned warriors of Sparta to face bitter failure against hulking beasts and cunning gods. Expect to add a few extra hours when retries become necessary.

2. Player Skill Level

On easier difficulties, well-practiced battlemasters can carve through entire legions in minutes. But for newcomers, grasping the nuances of parrying, throw-counters and weapon switching takes time.

3. Exploration & Secrets

God of War veterans know how rewarding off-the-beaten-path adventuring can be. Discovering hidden chambers packed with red orbs and gorgon eyes for upgrades adds incentives for diligent travelers.

As user blood_and_rust432 explains:

"I easily spent 20+ hours finding every hidden chest, soul and godly possession. No regrets on losing sleep when such phenomenal level design is involved!"

4. Post-Game Content & New Game+

After witnessing the thrilling climax, the call for further conquest endures. By taking existing skills/relics into another playthrough, veterans can focus more on besting bonus boss trials and extended challenge areas.

Comparisons to Other God of War Games

To give perspective, here‘s how God of War 3 stacks up to other franchise playtimes (via HowLongToBeat):

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God of War GameMain StoryCompletionist
God of War 1 (2005)9 hours12 hours
God of War 2 (2007)11 hours15 hours
God of War 3 (2010)10 hours17 hours
God of War (2018)20 hours40 hours

As shown above, God of War 3 lands right in the middle ground of the franchise‘s typical game length. Its 10 hours for main quests and 17+ for full completion offer a hearty single player campaign brimming with vengeance-driven narrative and white-knuckle action.

Final Thoughts on God of War 3‘s Epic Campaign

Very few single player games manage to remain so enthralling hours after the credits roll. But God of War 3‘s masterful blend of fluid combat, jaw-dropping spectacle and range/variety in enemies/locations make repeated playthroughs a joy.

I‘ll never forget that first Cerberus boss fight, spending 30 minutes chipping away at Cronos‘ fingernails, or realizing Poseidon‘s water horse was actually the god himself!

So for fellow fans craving to relive Kratos‘ most savage quest yet or newcomers eager to experience this bloody masterpiece – whether it lasts you 10 hours or 20, the nonstop adrenaline rush of God of War 3 is one of gaming‘s greatest hits.

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