How long is Miles Morales 100% Spiderman?

As an avid fan of Insomniac Games‘ PS5-exclusive adventure, I set out to detail exactly how much of your day you‘ll spend finishing everything this compact open-world title has to offer. For players looking to see all there is to see with Miles Morales – snagging every collectible, completing every challenge, and unlocking all skills – it takes approximately 18 hours.

Breaking Down Mile‘s 100% Completion Time

Across the board, Marvel‘s Spider-Man: Miles Morales takes less time to wrap up than its PS4 predecessor. Let‘s break down the key elements that factor into reaching 100% completion and how long veterans can expect to spend on each:

Main Story

On your first swing through the critical path, the main story runs about 7-8 hours including all cutscenes. For comparison, Spider-Man on PS4 clocked in around 13-15 hours.

Side Activities

  • Side Missions – 4 hours
  • Underground Hideouts – 2 hours
  • FNSM App Activities – 1.5 hours
  • Timed Races – 1 hour

Miles has roughly half the number of side quests compared to Peter Parker‘s last jaunt, but they remain high quality and help flesh out the characterization.


  • Backpacks – 1 hour
  • Postcards – 1 hour
  • Time Capsules – 0.5 hours
  • Sound Samples – 0.5 hours

Fewer collectibles means hunting them down won‘t eat up as much entry-level wall-crawling time. Postcard locations offer fun Easter eggs for Spidey lore fans.


Challenge TypeEstimated Time
Crimes1.5 hours
Stealth1 hour
Combat1 hour
Drone0.5 hours

Roxxon‘s drones put a modern twist on taskmaster-style environmental puzzles tailored to Miles‘ bio-electric abilities.

Adding it all up, you‘re looking at roughly 18 hours for full completion, give or take based on skill level. That offers plenty of bang-for-your-buck given Miles Morales normally costs $49.99.

How Does It Compare to Other Major PS5 Games?

Here‘s how Miles Morales stacks up to first-party heavy hitters on Sony‘s latest console in terms of 100% completion time:

  • Spider-Man Remastered – 55 hours
  • Horizon Forbidden West – 96 hours
  • Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart – 20 hours

As expected for an expansion-level title, Miles comes in well under its PS4 predecessor and many of the PS5‘s tentpole releases. Depending on your playing style, 18 hours hits a nice sweet spot.

The Challenge of Maxing Out Miles‘ World

While reaching 100% in Miles Morales proves less daunting than bigger open-world adventures, it still poses some noteworthy challenges for even seasoned players.

Getting gold medals on every combat, stealth and drone challenge demands mastery of all Miles‘ abilities. Chaining tricky air combos and learning ideal paths through underground hideouts takes practice. Maintaining a crimes-in-progress streak without letting any escape tests your web-swinging and situational awareness chops.

Furthermore, collectibles like sound samples force you to explore every last corner of the world. So completing Miles Morales demands some skill and dedication, but feels feasible for most gamers compared to larger scale Spider-Man games.

Streamlined Content Allows Miles‘ Story to Shine

Whereas Spider-Man for PS4 started feeling padded toward the end with its wealth of side activities, Insomniac smartly scales back the scope here. Miles Morales contains only the most memorable and rewarding kinds of Spidey side content.

Rather than overstaying its welcome, it tells a tighter, more emotionally resonant super hero origin story. Side content complements the themes around Miles embracing his identity as Harlem‘s new web-slinger. This streamlined package sets up the sequel nicely rather than trying to do too much.

For me, wrapping up the story then doing a targeted sweep of my favorite remaining activities hits the perfect level of fun. I‘m itching for Spidey‘s next full scale PS5 outing, but Miles Morales tells a powerful, bite-sized narrative worthy of its friendly neighborhood icon.

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