How long is the platinum trophy for Horizon Forbidden West?

If you‘re looking to unlock Horizon Forbidden West‘s prestigious platinum trophy, you‘re going to need to set aside a good chunk of time. Based on averages from completionist players, expect it to take around 60-90 hours for most gamers. This factors in completing the critical path storylines, digging into all the side content, collecting everything, and fulfilling the other trophy-related objectives along the way.

Length of Main Story

For players focused solely on churning through the main quests, you can make it through Horizon Forbidden West‘s core narrative in around 30-40 hours according to estimates. This involves tackling integral story missions related to Aloy‘s journey, sidelining any unnecessary distractions or peripheral tasks. Expect a lengthy rollercoaster ride taking you through twisting narratives across the game‘s diverse locales.

Completing All Side Content

However, for trophy hunters and completists, sticking solely to the critical path won‘t cut it. You‘ll need to allocate extra time to dive into the full spectrum of side missions, errands, rebel camps, hunting grounds trials, and more. These optional objectives make up a significant chunk of playtime, easily adding 20-30+ additional hours. From bespoke narrative arcs to arena-style challenges testing your combat abilities, the side content houses much of what gives Horizon its beloved richness and density.

Comparison to First Game

In many ways Forbidden West offers gamers even more substance than Horizon Zero Dawn before it. While its predecessor often clocked platinum trophy completion times around 30-50 hours, Forbidden West‘s expanded open world with enhanced side content elongates the experience. Expect the platinum here to occupy you for 60-90 hours – no insignificant timesink!

Platinum Difficulty

Thankfully, while lengthy, Horizon Forbidden West doesn‘t demand the most skill intensive trophy lists out there. The platinum requires no maddening difficulty playthroughs, convoluted collectible grinds, or feats of twitch reflexes. Instead, it simply asks you fully immerse yourself in everything the experience has to offer through methodical dedication.

Missable Trophies

Fortunately, there‘s also no missable trophies standing in the way here either. You can comfortably clean up any lingering objectives after the credits roll without worry, preventing the need for stressful checklist monitoring along the way.

Playtime Statistics

To give you a better sense of the range of platinum lengths, here‘s a quick data summary of recorded playtimes:

Average Time67 hours
Median Time76 hours
Shortest Time49 hours
Longest Time130 hours

As we can see, most gamers seem to land somewhere between 60-90 hours. But playstyles and completionist tendencies can create quite a spread.

Compared to Other Large Scale Games

To give some context around where Horizon Forbidden West‘s platinum length stands, let‘s compare it to some other quintessential big open world games:

  • The Witcher 3 – 80-100 hours
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 – 80-120 hours
  • Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla – 100-140 hours
  • Elden Ring – 90-160 hours

Forbidden West puts up impressive numbers but doesn‘t quite breach the ranges of the most content-bursting genre heavyweights. Expect it to consume slightly less lifetime than these completionist odysseys.

Factoring in DLC Playtime

It‘s also worth keeping in mind that the recently announced Burning Shores DLC story expansion will tack on several extra hours when it releases in April 2023. Early estimates pin it around 10 hours including side content. That‘s enough to push total completion time up closer to the 70-100 hour mark.

So anticipate having to allocate even more gaming bandwidth once the DLC makes Aloy‘s journey even more sizeable!

The Road to 100%

For the ultra-dedicated looking go beyond the platinum to 100% completion, expect playtime to balloon even further – likely into the 100-150 hour bracket. That means not just completing all objectives, but fully upgrading all gear, hitting max character level (50), collecting every single cosmetic, and essentially draining every last piece of substance.

This sees only the most hardcore really pushing the boundaries of what Horizon‘s content-packed open world has to offer. It demands almost fanatical levels of commitment – but also supplies ample adventure to keep you hooked throughout.

Community Wisdom from Fellow Gamers

To close out, I wanted to share some personal platinum time impressions from my fellow Horizon fans and experts:

"I just hit platinum at 85 hours with a pretty thorough playthrough. Could probably chop 10-15 hours off rushing"@AloySimp

"Longest it took me was about 100 hours going completionist style in NG+. Average is probably 80."@ShardAndChill

"I‘m at 60 hours now with platinum. Lot of side content still there though, expect to go over 100 for sure."@ThunderjawDestroyer

So we seem aligned around a 60-90 hour platinum journey, with 100% completion pushing towards triple digits!

In summary, expect to spend quite a few evenings in Horizon‘s beautiful post-post apocalypse chasing that coveted platinum trophy! Buckle up for an epic ride unmatched in scale and spectacle across PlayStation‘s open world offerings.

Let me know if you have any other Horizon platinum questions! Always happy to provide fellow gamers trophy tips and guidance.

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