How Long is the GTA Online Tutorial?

As an experienced GTA Online player with over 200 hours logged, I estimate the full tutorial for new players takes approximately 20-30 minutes. This mandatory introductory sequence provides essential training across core game mechanics, preparing you for the wide range of criminal activities at your fingertips.

Walkthrough: Objectives and Length of Each Tutorial Mission

The GTA Online tutorial consists of two missions after initial character creation:

Mall or NothingRob a luxury store with Lamar10-15 minutes
Learning the RopesRetrieve a package via street race for Gerald5-10 minutes

Based on my experience and analyzing average completion times reported on GTA forums, I estimate the full tutorial spans 20-30 minutes. This gives you a stealing-and-dealing crash course in core mechanics before unlocking the full flexibility of Freemode.

Mission 1: Mall or Nothing (Est. 10-15 Minutes)

This store robbery with partner-in-crime Lamar introduces basic shooting and cover mechanics. As you battle cops and security, you must navigate downstairs through racks of expensive merchandise to reach the safe holding your score. This mission provides a 15 minute adrenaline rush to kickstart your life of crime!

Mission 2: Learning the Ropes (Est. 5-10 Minutes)

Gerald tasks you with intercepting a package from a moving vehicle via street race. This high-speed task gets you behind the wheel to learn essential driving controls. Reaching highway speeds, you‘ll need to carefully pull alongside the target vehicle while your partner leans out the window to snatch the goods, all while evading the cops.

Skip or Complete? Pros and Cons for New Players

As an experienced player, I strongly advise completing the full tutorial, as the 20-30 minutes provides tremendous value:


  • Practice core shooting, driving, and evasion mechanics in a guided format
  • $3-5k in tutorial mission payouts to jumpstart your bank account
  • Own your first vehicle to freely explore Los Santos
  • Unlocks contact missions, competitions, and full Freemode access


  • Mandatory for all new characters, cannot be skipped
  • Experienced players may find the rigid structure restrictive

While some veterans opt to delete their tutorial progress, I believe embracing the short guided experience pays valuable dividends for new recruits. After all, you joined this life of crime to prove you can run the streets of Los Santos, not avoid them!

What Should You Do After the Tutorial?

Once you complete the introductory sequence, the entire criminal landscape of GTA Online opens up in all its gritty glory. Sure, you can go on a psychotic rampage – but I have better advice to set you up for long-term domination:

Step 1: Deposit your new earnings into your Maze Bank account via any ATM

Step 2: Register as a VIP to access unique work missions with big payouts

Step 3: Visit Ammu-Nation to stock up on weapons, armor, and ammo

Step 4: Consider an investment into a vehicle warehouse early on to profit off of stolen cars

Follow these steps, and you‘ll quickly build experience and financial momentum. In your first few hours, focus less on lavish spending and more on laying the strategic foundations of your empire!

In just 20-30 minutes, the GTA Online tutorial primes you for big success – so embrace it as your first leap into the criminal limelight!

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