How Long to Complete Far Cry 6‘s The Vanishing Stranger Things DLC? About 1 Adrenaline-Pumped Hour

As a passionate Far Cry fan, I was eagerly anticipating the Stranger Things crossover DLC "The Vanishing" – and it did not disappoint! This thrilling three chapter adventure will take you around one hour to complete. But it‘s an hour packed with horror, stealth, and upside down chaos that sets it apart from the base game.

Breaking Down The Vanishing DLC Structure

The Vanishing splits its runtime into three focused chapters:

Chapter 1 – The Search (30 minutes)

  • Navigate Yara to investigate mysterious vanishings
  • Limited ammo and reliance on stealth gameplay
  • Discover gateway to the upside down world

Chapter 2 – The Infiltration (15 minutes)

  • Traverse the nightmarish Upside Down dimension
  • Evade or carefully eliminate otherworldly enemies
  • Rescue Chorizo to unlock the adorable Amigo

Chapter 3 – The Escape (15 minutes)

  • Guide a group of survivors back across the Upside Down
  • Frantic finale as dimensional gate crumbles
  • Epic final standoff before returning to Yara

So about 30 minutes of tense investigative build up, leading to a action-packed 30 minute climax through the two sides of this strange new reality.

Completely Different Vibes from Main Game

The Vanishing trades Far Cry 6‘s usual bombastic guns-blazing action for:

  • Stealth and suspense – limited weapons and ammo force you to be cunning
  • Horror atmosphere – the Upside Down dimension is creepy and unnerving
  • Escort missions – guiding NPCs ratchets up the pressure
  • Dimension-hopping – moving between realities makes it unique

So while a standard Far Cry 6 outpost takeover may take 15 minutes of chaos, The Vanishing stretches out that tension over a whole hour of clever play.

Glowing Reviews from Critics and Fans

The Vanishing has been praised as one of the most creative and replayable parts of Far Cry 6:

"The story had me consumed for the entire duration"MKAU Gaming

"Perfect amount of stealth, action, suspense and insanity"WorthPlaying

94%Postive player reviews on Steam
8/10Average critical review score

Fans and reviewers alike have celebrated this DLC‘s ability to deliver something unexpected from the Far Cry series – a gripping, strategic horror experience rather than bombastic chaos.

Why This Far Cry Fan Loves The Vanishing

As someone with over 50 hours plowed into Far Cry 6 alone, I found The Vanishing to be a shot in the arm when I was craving something fresh. I‘m not a big horror gamer, but the stealth mechanics kept me engrossed.

The limited resources forced me to be extremely tactical in my approach – tossing bottles to distract enemies before silently taking them out with my machete. And getting the chance to rampage through the Demogorgon infested Upside Down with my trusty flamethrower felt cathartic after slowly sneaking my way through abandoned villages.

While I still love booting up Far Cry 6 to mindlessly blow up convoys, the tense, strategic play of The Vanishing has me coming back for more. It stands out as the most unique and purely fun hour you can spend in Yara‘s insane world.

Far Cry 6 Base Game Still A Massive Timesink

It‘s important to note that while The Vanishing might only give you 60 minutes maximum of gameplay, Far Cry 6 itself is far longer (pun intended). Here‘s a quick data comparison:

  • Far Cry 6 main story: 35 hours (HowLongToBeat)
  • Completing all Far Cry 6 content: 95 hours (HowLongToBeat)
  • Global sales: over 10 million copies (Ubisoft Q3 2022-23)

So The Vanishing is very much designed as a compact side story. It offers a wildly different change of pace from the main open world campaign.

Far Cry 6 may not have made huge strides in innovating the franchise. But it still delivers a classic chaotic sandbox bursting with content that has clearly resonated with millions globally.

What Does the Future Hold for Far Cry?

While I‘d love to escape back to the creepy thrills of The Vanishing, Far Cry‘s future is still unclear after the release of FC6 in 2021:

  • Ubisoft is reportedly dividing the series between single player and multiplayer experiences (GameSpot)
  • The next mainline entry Far Cry 7 has not been announced
  • But Joseph Seed‘s return in FC6 hints that the series has more story to explore

As a devoted fan, I‘m intrigued by the idea of a standalone multiplayer Far Cry that doesn‘t replace the single player adventure I crave. And I still have plenty more chaotic tropical antics left to enjoy in Yara while I await news on a full Far Cry 7.

But for now, booting up The Vanishing remains my go-to when I want concentrated stealth action and reminders of why I fell in love with the franchise in the first place. It may only last 60 minutes rather than 60 hours, but it packs a memorable upside down punch.

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