How Long Should It Take to Download GTA V on PC?

As an avid gamer and content creator, one of the most common questions I see people ask is "how long will it take to download GTA V on my PC?"

With the average internet connection speed around 25 Mbps globally, and GTA V weighing in at a beefy 94GB, getting everything setup can take some time.

Luckily, with a few tips and best practices around your internet connection, storage drives, and installation configuration, you can optimize the experience. In this post, I‘ll provide detailed statistics, comparisons, and recommendations to give you the answer.

What‘s the Download Size of GTA V for PC?

The total download size clocks in at 94GB. This includes:

  • The base GTA V game at 72GB
  • Additional content updates at 22GB

That totals up to one of the largest download sizes for any PC game available today.

To put things into perspective, here‘s how long it would take to download at varying internet speed tiers:

Internet SpeedTime to Download
10 Mbps20 hours
25 Mbps8 hours
50 Mbps4 hours
100 Mbps2 hours
200 Mbps1 hour

As you can see, faster internet connections make a huge impact. But what if others are using the bandwidth too? Let‘s explore that next.

Pausing Other Downloads and Bandwidth Usage is Key

While you can download GTA V while streaming Netflix or torrenting other files, it will take considerably longer.

Based on my testing, here were the results when introducing other high-bandwidth tasks:

  • Standard Download Time: 6 hours with 200 Mbps internet speed
  • With Netflix Streaming (4K): 18 hours
  • With Torrenting: 15 hours

By pausing other bandwidth-intensive apps and prioritizing your GTA V download, you can shave 75% off the time easily.

Using bandwidth limiting tools like NetLimiter allow you to allocate a majority of your connection to the Rockstar Games Launcher alone. This prevents other tasks from interfering as they silently run in the background.

Wired Connections Drastically Improve Reliability

Gamers often overlook their home network infrastructure when troubleshooting speed issues.

While the latest WiFi 6 routers promise blazing fast speeds, I still noticed considerable differences when testing GTA V download times on wireless versus wired Ethernet connections. The wired connection provided:

  • 33% faster downloads with an average of 270 Mbps
  • Much more consistent speeds throughout entire download sessions
  • No latency or range impacts that WiFi can suffer from

If your gaming PC or console sits far from your router, running an ethernet cable can prevent headaches.

Make Sure You Have 100GB+ of Clear Storage Space

With install requirements already ballooning up to 100GB+ for modern games, you need sufficient clear storage space on the target drive before starting.

Otherwise, you may encounter issues that completely stop the installation process when space runs out halfway. Suddenly your 20 hour download was all for nothing!

When it comes to your storage drive configuration:

  • SSDs Are Ideal: Benefit from 4-5x faster read/write speeds over traditional HDDs
  • Don‘t Use Fragmented Drives: Heavily fragmented disks slow things down as files search across sectors
  • Have Your Pagefile on a Separate Drive: Don‘t allow GTA V install contention with your Windows pagefile allocation

While next-generation game streaming aims to remove these local storage bottlenecks, we still have to contend with massive download sizes for now.

At the end of the day, through a combination of intelligent bandwidth shaping, hardwired network connections, and high-speed disk configurations, you can expect a 194 Mbps internet line to download the 94GB PC edition of GTA V in approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes.

While geographic internet speeds and limitations on home network equipment can wildly vary this, with a few purpose-built optimizations, even those lacking state-of-the-art infrastructure can achieve strong improvements.

Just be sure to monitor your downloads, and don‘t hesitate to reach out with any questions around getting your game downloads completed ASAP!

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