Full Run Guide: Crushing Diablo 3‘s Epic Act 5 Finale

Gear up nephalem, because we‘ve got an epic showdown with the Angel of Death himself ahead! You‘re probably wondering – just how long does it take to beat Act 5 in Diablo 3? Focusing on main objectives, most gamers can bash through it in around 3 hours. But simply ‘beating‘ Act 5 sells this climax short. Read on for pro tips to help you thoroughly crush one of Diablo 3‘s crowning acts!

Overview: Act 5‘s Place in Sanctuary‘s History

Act 5 continues Diablo 3‘s central struggle versus the forces of Hell, letting you battle across new territory like haunted Westmarch and the endless demonic battlefields of Pandemonium.

Here‘s a recap of the key plot points:

  • Westmarch Under Siege – Malthael and his angelic/demonic Reapers ravage the once great city.
  • Malthael‘s Agenda – Seeking to end the Eternal Conflict, Malthael works to become the Aspect of Death and claim all demonic souls!
  • Adria‘s Betrayal – Leah‘s mother returns, cementing her turn to Diablo‘s side. Her magics let Malthael access Pandemonium.
  • Climactic Showdown – You confront Malthael in an epic battle at the heart of creation itself. But can even nephalem prevail versus an angel with such awful power?

Now let‘s get into gameplay specifics, so you can return Westmarch to glory and put an end to Malthael‘s sinister designs!

Optimal Level & Gear: Taking on Death Itself

Malthael and friends aren‘t messing around, so high level and top tier gear is a must! Here are the recommendations I advise based on my many Act 5 runs:

  • Level 61+ Hero – Enemies scale up sharply. Having your core skills unlocked and some Paragon Points under your belt helps immensely.
  • Primary Stat Focus – Stack up your main damage stat as much as possible via items. This could be Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence or Vitality depending on your class.
  • Legendary Weapons – specifically those with +% damage type and useful secondary effects. These can drastically improve your killing speed.
  • Defensive Legendaries – Prioritize gear with +Resist All, +Armor and immunity/reduction effects to certain debuffs. Survival is key!
  • Recommended Toughness – You want at least 500k Toughness by Act 5, and ideally 1 million+ for boss fights. This is where diamonds in sockets on armor help.

I‘d advise playing co-op with some friends if possible, or at least an NPC Templar follower to watch your back. Hardcore heroes should be lvl 70 before stepping foot in Westmarch! Next let‘s get into must-know enemy intelligence…

Dangerous New Foes – Strengths & Weaknesses

While you‘ll still face many familiar opponents, Act 5 introduces deadly new enemies with brutal powers. Here‘s the rundown:

EnemyDanger RatingKey AttacksWeaknesses
Mallet Lord⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Dark Lightning charge, Quake smashFast hitters, ranged DPS
Lacuni Huntress⭐⭐⭐Jagged darts, Ensnaring shotAOE spells
Unburied⭐⭐Death Nova poison blastFire attacks
Ghastly Seraph⭐⭐⭐Frost missiles, Wing BuffetLightning, holy abilities
Reaper⭐⭐⭐⭐Voracious Charge, Soul SiphonCannot heal, susceptible to stun

As you can see, dangerous abilities like Mallet Lord charges and Reaper siphon attacks means managing your positioning and using interrupts/stuns is critical. Stack resistances to counter things like Unburried death novas and Ghastly frost.

Speaking of deadly enemies, let‘s analyze the ultimate Act 5 villain next…

Malthael Breakdown – Aspect of Death

After facing off versus Diablo himself, you may wonder – who could be an even more ominous foe? Malthael, former Archangel of Wisdom, now self-appointed Aspect of Death, has powers that may give even a seasoned nephalem pause. Here are the key attack patterns to watch for when facing this dangerous final boss:

Phase 1 – Reaping

Malthael utilizes twin shotels along with his deadly soul siphoning power. Key attacks:

  • Soul Rip – Malthael damages nearby foes and heals himself for 7-14% of his health
  • Spin Attack – Draws you in then whirls his blades, dealing high damage
  • Shadow Trap – Summons a dark force that stuns if touched
  • Soul Vortex – Creates a whirlwind wall that pulls you in while damaging

Phase 2 – From the Shadows

At 75% health lost Malthael teleports away, then employes ambush tactics, appearing randomly to blast you.

  • Disintegrate – Beam that follows you rapidly dealing very high damage
  • Wraith Charge – Malthael charges from shadows, leaving shadow traps

Phase 3 – Darkness Incarnate

Below 25% health, Malthael pulls out all stops to finish you off:

  • Black Hole – High damage vortex with extended mass root
  • Soul Nova – 360 degree blast
  • Bone Prison – Traps target in spiked bone cage

As you can see, mobility and situational awareness are key to handling Malthael. The final phase is especially lethal – pop defensive CDs and lay your strongest DPS!

After Beating Act 5 – Adventure Mode Awaits!

Finally triumphed over Malthael? Congratulations! Now the real endgame opens up with Adventure Mode and all its bounties, rifts, and gear grind. But that‘s a topic for another guide! For now, enjoy the well-earned accomplishment of finishing Reaper of Soul‘s epic Act 5.

Hopefully these tips help you on your crusade to save Westmarch and put an end to Malthael‘s reign of terror. Let me know if you have any other Diablo 3 questions – I‘m always happy to chat strats with a fellow nephalem. Godspeed out there!

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