How long until my bounty goes away in Skyrim?

Straight up, friend: bounties don‘t fade away on their own in Skyrim. I know, bummer right? Whether you slightly trespassed in Whiterun or went on a rampage in Riften, here‘s the deal…

The Only Ways Out:

  • Pony up the gold to pay those pesky fines
  • Serve hard time in a lovely Skyrim prison
  • Cash in your Thane "Get Out of Jail Free" card

So if you were hoping to just hide out for a few days while your heat dies down, I‘ve got bad news…you‘ll need to take matters into your own hands.

But hey, don‘t see it as a chore – treat it as a chance to experience everything this glorious game has to offer! Let me walk you through the dirty details…

Forking Over the Gold

The easiest route is to simply pay your bounty. Every guard in the hold knows exactly what crimes you‘ve committed and how much gold you owe.

Think of your bounty amount like an invoice for all the trouble you‘ve caused. This bill is calculated based on:

  • Number of offenses
  • Severity of each criminal act
  • Whether crimes were against persons or property

So for instance, a minor assault might cost you 100 gold, while completely wiping out a village could run over 1,000!

Any guard can collect this payment. But be warned – they‘ll also take any stolen goods in your possession to cover the damages!

So if you‘ve got precious artifacts or enchanted gear you‘re not ready to part with, better sell them off first or stash them somewhere safe.

Once your debt is cleared, you‘re once again a free citizen in good standing. Well, until the next torch-wielding mob comes after you I suppose!

Doing Hard Time

If you can‘t or won‘t pay up, the next best thing is serving your sentence behind bars.

Hope you like gruel! Jail stints can range from a few hours for minor infractions all the way up to 7 full days for the worst offenses.

Careful though – longer sentences reduce your skill levels due to inactivity. So after a week in the clink, your shiny new Destruction magic or master lockpicking may get bumped back down. Lame!

Now I know what you‘re thinking…what about breaking out of the big house?

Well my criminal friend, I won‘t judge if you choose that route. But fair warning: escape comes with some risks…

  • Getting caught in the act tacks on an extra 100 gold bounty!
  • Any original fines will still be there if you return to that hold.
  • Guards hold grudges and won‘t hesitate to throw your butt back behind bars.

So thread lightly! If you do opt for a prison break, Riften and Falkreath probably have the most escape-friendly designs. Good luck!

The Ultimate "Get Out of Jail Free" Card

So you‘ve decided going straight isn‘t your style. I got you fam!

If you‘ve managed to schmooze your way into becoming a Thane, you can use your political sway to wiggle out of imprisonment.

When confronted by a guard, politely ask if there‘s anything that can be done to remedy this little misunderstanding. With the right speech options selected, they may decide to let their dear Thane off with just a warning!

Now this only works once per hold, so use it wisely. Some guards can also be bribed if your pockets run deep enough. Others however won‘t be swayed if you went on an epic crime spree.

So lean on your Thaneship judiciously. It‘s get out of jail pass that you won‘t want to waste for minor infractions.

Oh and fun fact – as a high-ranking member of the Thieves Guild, you can also pay off certain guards to conveniently forget your misdeeds. But that‘s a story for another time!

When All Else Fails…

If you still refuse to pay the piper through fines, jail time or political power plays, there is one last naughty option:

Kill all the witnesses!

With no one left alive to testify against you, the authorities will have a much harder time prosecuting your case. Bounties may just vanish if they can‘t prove your guilt!

But this especially brazen tactic comes with major downsides:

  • Expect stronger retaliation from city guards if caught in the act
  • You may fail other quest lines or ruin reputations
  • It‘s harder to trade or buy/sell in despised communities

So wield this sledgehammer strategy carefully. You might clear a pesky bounty, but make tons of new problems for yourself in the process!

At the end of the day, there‘s no easy or passive way to make bounties disappear in Skyrim. Hopefully by illuminating all your options though, you‘re better equipped to plot the right jailbreak..I mean…course of action for your situation!

Stay sneaky out there wanderer! But not so sneaky you end up stuck in prison for a week 😉

Your Gaming Guide,
Cyrus Dragonheart

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