How Long Would It Take to Solve a Rubik‘s Cube With No Experience?

When I first picked up a Rubik‘s cube, I figured an avid gamer and puzzle enthusiast like myself would be able to solve it in under 10 minutes. Oh, how wrong I was! After nearly 3 hours of painfully slow progress, I had only completed 2 sides.

I‘ve since learned that the average beginner takes around 3 hours to solve their first Rubik‘s cube. Intrigued by this notoriously difficult puzzle, I delved deeper into the speedcubing community to understand what factors impact solve times for novices and experts alike.

Key Elements That Determine Solving Speed

While having an analytical mind helps, solving a scrambled cube is less about intelligence and more about systematically applying the right techniques. Here are the key factors that determine how quickly you can solve a Rubik‘s cube:

Algorithms – The Building Blocks of Cubing Skill

Algorithms are defined move sequences that allow you to orient cube pieces into specific positions. Simple algorithms help you orient a pair of edges or twist the corners into their right place. More advanced ones can orient multiple pieces in one go.

Memorizing just 6 algorithms is enough to steadily solve the classic 3×3 cube! But top speedcubers employ 100+ algorithms with complex notations like R U R’ U’ to achieve world-class times.

Building Muscle Memory Through Repetition

Consistently repeating algorithms trains your subconscious to execute the required sequence of turns smoothly, without needing to think consciously. This development of muscle memory is key to solving cubes under 10 seconds.

As per cognitive science research, regular repetition causes permanent neural pathway changes in the brain, allowing complex motor actions to become second nature. No wonder speedcubers drill algorithms for hours a day!

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice makes perfect when it comes to speedcubing. But targeted, mindful practice with intent to improve yields faster growth in skill.

Tracking solve times with a timer, figuring out chokepoints, learning from faster cubers, and consistently putting in the work can help cut solving times dramatically. Social media groups provide an encouraging community to exchange tips with fellow cubers online.

The Layer-by-Layer Technique – A Beginner‘s Best Friend

The simplest way to start solving a jumbled Rubik‘s cube is using the classic layer-by-layer method. By tackling one layer at a time, anyone can gradually work their way to the solved state without needing complex concepts.

Many world champions actually started with the beginner method before graduating to advanced speedcubing techniques. Simple works!

Expected Solving Milestones for Rubik‘s Cube Novices

Here are rough milestones forExpected solve times with daily practice using the beginner layer-by-layer method:

PhaseCumulative Practice TimeExpected Solving Time
Day 12 hoursNo solve, understand basics
Day 35 hours30-40 minutes
End of Week 19 hoursUnder 15 minutes
End of Week 211 hoursUnder 5 minutes
End of Week 313 hours2-3 minutes
1 Month Mark15 hours1-2 minutes

As you can see, your average solve time can reduce dramatically within the first month itself. Let‘s compare to advanced speedcubers now.

How Do Beginner Times Compare to Speedcubers?

After months of honing technique, speedcubers can routinely solve scrambled cubes under 10 seconds. The current world record held by China’s Yusheng Du is an incredible 3.47 seconds!

Here is how novice solving times compare:

BeginnerIntermediate CuberExpert Speedcuber
Typical Solving Time1-2 minutes15-30 secondsUnder 10 seconds
With Focus on SpeedUnder 1 minute10 seconds5 seconds or less

As you graduate from being a beginner, it becomes exponentially harder to shave off seconds and milliseconds.

Yet some incredibly determined individuals put in the 10000+ hours of dedicated practice needed to become world-class talents.

Let’s look at some inspiring examples.

Youngest & Oldest Rubik‘s Cube Champions

Age is no barrier to cubing glory!

At age 7, child prodigy Nithin Babu from India can solve a 3×3 in just 14.23 seconds. 10-year-old Naomi Seki holds multiple Under-12 age group records in her native Japan.

On the other end of the spectrum, the oldest competitive speedcuber is Edouard Chambon who continues to place highly in his 60’s.

These remarkable individuals prove skill acquisition has no limits! With passion and grit, cubing can be enjoyed from toddlerhood to well into retirement.

Learn Speedcubing Faster With Pro Tips

To fast-track your journey from 60 minute newbie to 60 second speedcuber, I picked the brains of prolific YouCubers and national champions for their best advice:

  • Learn efficient F2L techniques: Intuitive F2L minimizes cube rotations and improves lookahead (Spotting pieces during solves)
  • Invest in a quality speedcube: Premium magnetic cubes like the RS3M 2020 turn seamlessly to help execute algorithms quickly
  • Analyze where you waste time: Breaking down solve times can identify problem areas needing focus
  • Improve finger dexterity: Dexterity drills and hand workouts boost flexibility for speedcubing
  • Watch tutorial videos: Observing advanced solving techniques helps them sink into your subconscious

With a strategic and systematic process, I solved my first Rubik’s Cube in less than 10 days. You can read my complete experience [here]. Analyzing the advanced methods used by world champions motivated me to keep pushing my beginner times lower.

Let me walk you through my favorite intermediate skill – learning two-step OLL and PLL algorithms to easily graduate from layer-by-layer.

Level Up With OLL and PLL

The layer-by-layer beginner’s method becomes limiting once you approach the one minute mark. At this stage, you can learn two-step OLL and PLL algorithms to smash through the beginner barrier.

OLL algorithms correctly orient the last layer edges while preserving corner positions. Simple algorithms like R‘ F R F‘ orient two edges at once.

PLL algorithms then permute the corners and edges simultaneously to complete the cube from any orientation. The classic T Perm PLL twists two corners and two edges just right!

Learning 7 OLL cases and 1 PLL algorithm per two days is easily achievable. And cuts typical solving times down to 30 seconds. Unlocking more high-tier techniques like 1LLL or ZBLL can give even faster gains for determined students.

As an ambitious gamer, I know mastering the iconic Rubik’s Cube requires perseverance and grit. But the journey teaches lifelong skills like pattern recognition, dexterity, focus and problem decomposition. That’s rewarding far beyond any personal best time!

Let me know if you have any other questions in your first week learning this fantastic brain teaser.

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