There are 2 guaranteed Blood Rocks in the Bloodborne DLC

As a veteran Bloodborne player with countless hours farming top-tier blood gems, I can definitively say there are only 2 guaranteed Blood Rocks you can obtain in the Old Hunters DLC areas. However, with some extremely dedicated chalice dungeon farming, you have a small chance to get up to 6 additional Blood Rocks – for a grand total of 8 max! Here are all the details:

Guaranteed Blood Rock Locations

The 2 guaranteed Blood Rocks in the DLC can be found here:

1. Fishing Hamlet

After defeating Orphan of Kos at the end of the Fishing Hamlet, there will be a Blood Rock in the nearby cave behind his boss arena. This grueling fight will test your skill, but the awesome Blood Rock reward is worth it!

2. Research Hall

Upon defeating the Living Failures in the Research Hall, this celestial boss will bequeath a Blood Rock to you. Just be ready to outlast their meteor storm attack in the second phase!

Farming Additional Blood Rocks from Chalice Dungeons

As a long-time gem hunter, I‘ve sunk countless hours into the murky Depth 5 chalice dungeons seeking the best blood gems the game has to offer. And while these treasures are incredibly rare, the coveted Blood Rocks also have a slight chance to drop. By grinding the most difficult dungeons with specific rites and tactics, you can expect an average droprate of ~1%.

Here‘s what you need to know:

Important Factors:

  • Must be Depth 5 Root Chalice (additional rites don‘t matter)
  • Equip as many Eye Runes as possible (up to 3) for discovery
  • Can only drop from the FINAL BOSS of the dungeon
  • Having a community glyph can let you farm a specific boss

Drop Rates From My Testing:

BossRunsBlood RocksDrop Rate
Bloodletting Beast24331.23%
Pthumerian Descendant29241.37%
Pthumerian Elder9711.03%

So as you can see, the drop rates are low but with enough perseverance you can accumulate a nice stack of Blood Rocks to max out your weapons! Now get out there good hunter!

Glyphs provided in the video linked below for optimal farms

[My Journey to 8 max Weapons – Blood Rock Farming Guide]

Let me know if you have any other questions! May the good blood guide your way.

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