There are 4 bosses in the Artorias of the Abyss DLC for Dark Souls 1

The Artorias of the Abyss DLC added 4 legendary boss fights to the Dark Souls 1 experience. Beyond these primary encounters are also a few optional miniboss battles for players to test their skills against.

As a long-time Souls fan, I live for this kind of grueling, nerve-wracking, controller-throwing, but ultimately rewarding content! In this guide, join me in breaking down everything there is know about these incredible boss battles in Lordran‘s lost kingdom of Oolacile.

1. Sanctuary Guardian – The DLC Gatekeeper

The Sanctuary Guardian waits at the beginning of the additional Oolacile content, barring access to the areas beyond with its considerable speed, aggression and shock attacks.

This manticore-esque beast has quickly become one of the more notorious mini-bosses in the game’s history. With the body of a lion, wings of a bat, and the tail of a scorpion, this mythical amalgamation draws on numerous warrior traditions.

Health Pool: Standard NPC-level at 1300 HP.
Damage Type: Primarily Magic and Lightning.

Don‘t let the Sanctuary Guardian‘s low health fool you – it‘s designed as a skill check for the Abyss areas ahead. Getting careless will allow its tail spikes and lightning breath to make short work of you. My advice? Wait for openings to attack the head, while avoiding wide swipes of the venomous tail.

Sanctuary Guardian Strategies

  • Roll under shock waves and breath attacks
  • Watch for the aerial lightning dive bomb
  • Bait tail attacks to expose the head for damage
  • Use lightning resistance armor for the fight

While challenging, veterans agree the Guardian is among the more fair miniboss fights, rewarding patience and reading attack telegraphs.

2. Artorias the Abysswalker

Corrupted by the spreading Abyss in Oolacile, the legendary knight Artorias is but a shell of nobility he once was. It‘s up to the player to grant him a merciful death and end his suffering.

As an archetypal "fallen hero" character, Artorias stole hearts in the Souls community upon his introduction. Players delight in the challenge of this showdown between two realms‘ finest warriors.

Health Pool: 6,144 HP
Damage Type: Primarily Physical from his Greatsword

Artorias exemplifies the brutal, yet graceful flow of Souls boss fights – reading his acrobatic moveset and responding intelligently leads to a kinetic ballet where counters, ripostes, buffs, debuffs, and more play out.

Artorias Strategies and Tips

  • His buff can be interrupted to prevent higher aura damage
  • The somersault leap can be rolled under and punished
  • Try and stay close to him during combos
  • Use Green Blossoms to outlast his relentless aggression

A 3x boost to HP and Damage with New Game+ keeps this showdown perilously exciting on repeat visits. Few gaming moments capture that blood-pumping, palms sweating sensation where one misstep spells doom quite like Artorias.

3. Manus, Father of the Abyss

The primordial human Manus, once buried underground, was awakened by the actions of Oolacile sorcerers, leading to his abyssal essence spreading unchecked.

As the twisted mastermind behind Artorias‘ downfall and the corruption of the land itself, Manus is the epitome of the Souls series tradition for nightmarish boss designs. Players will learn to spot his telltale hand signs before being slammed, choked or blasted by Dark magic attacks.

Health Pool: 8,526
Damage Type: Primarily Magic and Physical

If you‘re struggling against Father Manus, remember to first cut off his catalyst during the fight to limit deadly sorceries. Staying mid-range allows safely punishing slam combos while avoiding wide-arc dark magic explosions.

Manus Strategies and Tips

  • Destroy the catalyst early to limit ranged attacks
  • During hand slams – sprint away, roll once, then counter-attack twice
  • Dark magic resistance gear helps against sorcery blast
  • Summoning Knight Sif to distract him in phase 2 is a big help

I‘ll never forget the first time Manus flicked his catalyst, summoned that orb of humanity sprites with a gesture, and obliterated me in an instant with his Dark Bead rain. Truly petrifying, but conquerable with practice and patience!

4. Kalameet, The Black Dragon

Sinuous, shadowy and truly ancient, the last living black dragon Kalameet rules the Royal Wood of Oolacile. Bringing him down grants bragging rights as one of few to best a true everlasting dragon.

For veteran dragon slayers, Kalameet ups the ante on traditional fire-breathing encounters, mixing in dizzying aerial maneuvers and relentless aggression. Players will spend as much time chasing and observing as identifying those precious damage windows.

Health Pool: 9,091
Damage Type: Magic, Fire, Physical Combo

Once grounded post-tail severing, the rest of the fight takes on a recognizable Souls rhythm – but nail the timing on those AOE fire-blasts!

Kalameet Strategies and Tips

  • Ranged attacks knock him from the sky for damaged windows
  • Get the +2 Calamity Ring to chop off his tail for a unique weapon
  • Stay behind him once grounded to limit frontal fire-breath
  • Summoning Hawkeye Gough for his ranged bow shots helps immensely

The Ancient Dragon Kalameet remains a favorite among fans for just how dangerous his abilities keep the player, while rewarding observant shield work and properly-timed aggression. A gorgeous arena and soundtrack accent this lethal dance.

One part additional lore delivery mechanism and one part ultimate challenge gauntlet, the Abyss storylines and bosses added so much to Dark Souls‘ crown as true modern classics. I hope this guide gives a glimpse into what makes these final four face-offs such a timeless thrill!

What were your favorite bosses from Dark Souls and its DLC? Which gave you the most trouble on your first run? I love to keep that discussion going! Praise the Sun! \[T]/

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