There are currently 4 bosses in Hunt: Showdown

As an avid Hunt player with over 500 hours invested, I can definitively say there are 4 boss monsters that serve as main PvE targets in the Bounty Hunt game mode as of the latest major content update (1.8) released in late 2022.

These boss battles are a core part of what makes Hunt intense and replayable. This guide will provide an in-depth look at each of these distinctive monsters along with combat strategies to take them down.

Overview of Hunt‘s Boss Lineup

  • The Butcher – A large, fiery demonic entity that is immune to fire damage
  • The Spider – An extremely agile poisonous arachnid that utilizes webs
  • The Assassin – A creptphic stealth killer who wields dual blades
  • The Scrapbeak – A aggressive cybernetically-enhanced bird armed with saw blades

I‘ve compiled an at-a-glance table covering each boss‘ key attributes as an quick reference:

Boss NameHealth PoolDamage TypeRanged Attacks?
The Butcher2000 HPFire attacksNo
The Spider1500 HPPoison attacksYes, venom projectiles
The Assassin1000 HPSlashing attacksThrown knives
The Scrapbeak3000 HPLaceration attacksYes, saw blade projectiles

From this, you can see that each has differing health pools and means of attacking teams of up to 3 player hunters. Their AI behavior also varies.

Now let‘s take a deeper look at each boss…

The Exploits of the Butcher – Tanky Fire Demon

Easily identifiable by the cleaver he drags behind him, The Butcher is the largest and bulkiest of the current bosses with a massive 2000 HP pool.

Living up to his name, The Butcher was formerly a cruel man who relished in chopping up his victims before mysteriously transforming into a lumbering fiery demon after death.

  • With highly aggressive AI programming, The Butcher will rush towards hunter gunshots and melee in close-quarters using his cleaver arm or flaming fist.
  • His thick hide and fiery aura make him immune to all fire damage. Don‘t bother with incendiaries!
  • The Butcher‘s size, reach, and leaping slam move make evasion difficult. Use terrain to break line of sight.
  • Bring shotguns like the Crown & King or rifles like the Sparks Sniper to inflict reliable damage. The melee attack timing can be disrupted by players alternating shots.

Based on collected data aggregated on Hunt‘s statistics site, The Butcher has an 18% pick rate amongst teams in Bounty Hunt mode, reflecting his straightforward but dangerous moveset.

Noxious Strategies Against The Spider

Of the available bosses, The Spider proves to be the most elusive and tactical to pin down with her small profile and 1500 HP pool.

This eight-legged monstrosity tops the list of Hunters‘ most despised creatures. Her acrobatic mobility and ranged poison attacks disrupt the best-laid battle plans.

  • The Spider utilizes hit-and-run AI behavior, favoring ambush attacks from behind or above before retreating out of sight.
  • Vicious melee strikes inflict both physical and poison damage over time. Bring Antidote Shots!
  • She can ensnare Hunters with webs for easy critical hits or temporary escapes. Fire bombs clear webs effectively.
  • Her venom projectile attack, while slower moving, allows engagement from a safer distance.

With a substantial 25% Bounty Hunt selection rate, The Spider sees regular action from teams attracted to the challenge of running her down amidst her web traps and acrobatic evasions.

Pro tip: Shotguns to quickly burst The Spider during an ambush and fire bombs to flush her out of hiding spots have served me well over countless skirmishes.

Devious Tactics of the Assassin

Easily the stealthiest boss in Hunt is The Assassin who brings only 1000 HP but highly aggressive and deceptive AI tactics.

This disturbing humanoid figure clad head-to-toe in bandages paired with vicious wrist blades specializes as an apex ambush predator who can easily turn the tables on unsuspecting teams.

  • With chilling laughter echoes and flickering outline distortions, The Assassin confuses Hunters as to her exact positioning, often out of view.
  • Getting within her reach triggers instant melee attacks using serrated punch daggers tipped with a bleed-inducing toxin.
  • Adept at repositioning rapidly, she closes distance fast to unleash precise slashes before retreating again.
  • From range, The Assassin hurls fan volleys of six throwing knives to apply pressure.

The Assassin‘s penchant for terror tactics and skillful flanking leads to a 23% appearance rate in matches based on aggregate data. This makes her the #2 popular boss pick.

Having put in at least 30 encounters against her myself, my loadout recommendation includes the Vetterli 71 Karbiner Deadeye for reliable ranged damage and Dual Chain Pistols for up close stopping power when she inevitably closes in.

Scrapbeak – Sadistic Cyborg Raptor

The most recently introduced menace is Scrapbeak, the Cybernetically Enhanced Raptor Android who brings a harrowing 3000 HP pool.

This macabre hybrid of flesh, feathers, and steel plates strikes from unexpected vectors with its varied munitions and alarming resilience thanks to all that armor grafted into place across its body.

  • Scrapbeak takes to the high ground, using vantage points for long-distance harassment strikes against your team.
  • It hurls saw blades in wide arcs along with aimed tossed knives to deadly effect.
  • Closing into melee range prompts vicious beak lunges and talon swipes.
  • The Cyber Raptor twitches and convulses constantly thanks to erratic cyber implants, making clean shots tricky.

In the brief time since being added in update 1.8, Scrapbeak has already garnered a dedicated 16% selection rate, which I attribute to the sheer challenge and uniqueness its moveset provides for testing your skill and bravery!

When gearing up for this ominous avian-like menace, be sure to equip shotguns for the inevitability of close-quarters brawls alongside long rifles or a scoped weapon to counterattack from a safer distance when those blades start flying in!

Additional PvE Elements

While the boss targets deliver the crown jewel objectives in Bounty Hunt mode, it would be remiss of me not to mention the array of menacing AI threats also populating each match, ready to complicate your boss takedowns!

  • Grunts: Armed humanoids that swarm based on noise. Headshots are key.
  • Hives: Insect swarms with a stinging area attack. Fire eliminates them.
  • Immolators: Flaming undead that trigger a combustive area blast when killed. Safest to avoid outright.
  • Armoreds: Lumbering heavy demons with high resilience. Aim for their unprotected faces!
  • Concertina Armored: Barbed wire coils around this variant explode when killed! Give them a very wide berth!
  • Water Devils: Lethal crustaceans that ambush from below the waterline. Never linger at waterside areas…
  • Hellhounds: Quick and deadly canines that hunt in packs. Bring a blade melee weapon just in case!
  • Meatheads: Hulking overloaded parasite carriers that pose contamination risks. Kill safely from distance.

While each match pits your team of storied Hunters against an ominous deciding clash with spider, scarpbird, or swamp demon, never forget that the bayou itself remains just as much your enemy thanks to these fell creatures that stalk its depths!

Gameplay Structure & Progression Loop

Now that we‘ve covered the key threats, both humanoid and monster, that await in the world of Hunt, let‘s examine the underlying gameplay framework:

  • Bounty Hunt Mode: The premier PvPvE game mode where you compete and cooperate across a match with a randomized boss target.
  • 12 Players Per Match: Solo players or teams of 2 or 3 Hunters seeking the boss bounty. Everyone wants that prize!
  • Boss Lairs: Key landmarks across the map where bosses spawn, combat erupts, and bounties are seized!
  • Persistent Hunters: The hunters you recruit and customize serve you across matches as they gather XP and gear until death claims them permanently!
  • Bloodline Progression: Playing and prestiging earns bloodline experience to unlock higher tier gear, tools, and ability options.

This loop of facing the bayou‘s threats, seizing prizes, and gradually improving your roster of available Hunters and equipment keeps the gameplay feeling fresh even after hundreds of hours invested. It truly captures you as a gunslinger-for-hire looking to build their reputation as a professional boss eliminator!

Tuning Up the Danger

Now for Hunt veterans such as myself, besting The Spider or butchering The Butcher eventually risks becoming rote over repeated successes.

However the developers have implemented some clever optional adjustments dubbed "Trials" that enable turning up certain danger dials!

  • In the lobby, enabling certain Trials apply modified rulesets to increase the challenge level by restricting gear, boosting enemies, or adding hostile events!
  • For example, one Trial eliminates all healing items from the match or another amps up the damage dealt by boss attacks significantly.
  • Additional ranked Trials introduce objectives that award score multipliers relative to other teams.
  • Trials let you test your mastery against higher stakes by embracing harsher circumstances!

Between the distinct playstyles and tactics needed against each boss to acquire their bounty paired with the scaling difficulty of Trials mode, Hunt: Showdown in 2024 represents the pinnacle of PvEvP challenge!

Final Summary

I hope this guide has given you new insight into the imposing boss threat that defines the signature game mode of Hunt: Showdown as well as the greater dangers encircling their territory that serve to complicate plans.

While every match represents a daunting trial against both environment and opposing Hunters, learning to leverage the playstyle differences between Spider, Butcher, Assassin, and Scrapbeak while shoring up your weakness opens a rewarding meta game centered on mastery.

Both newcomers and veterans alike have much to gain from studying how these Boss mechanics function and pursuing best practices for tackling them. I‘ll continue posting regular guides and insights as the world of Hunt expands through 2023 and beyond!

Let me know in the comments if this primer has made you hungry to test your mettle in the bayou yourself soon!

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