How Many Bots Can You Hire in Fortnite at Once?

As a passionate Fortnite gamer and content creator, I‘m always trying out new strategies to step up my game. Lately, I‘ve been experimenting with how hiring in-match bots can give you a critical edge.

So how many bots can you deploy at once? Brace yourself…you can recruit up to 8 friendly bots per match! With over 20 possible bots littered across the island, you have tons of potential teammates.

Now, I know what you may be thinking: "Bots in my squad? How useful could they really be?" Well, hold that thought because bots bring some shockingly potent abilities to the table.

Meet the Who‘s Who of Hire-able Fortnite Bots

Let‘s analyze the heavy hitters when it comes to recruit-able bots:

Brainiac – Spawns near Reality Tree and packs a monkey wrench rapid fire gun. Great for suppressing foes.
Lt. John Llama – Roams near Rocky Reels and wields a sniper rifle for long range shots.
Shanta – Carries a lethal exploding bow and arrow combo deadly against structure camping.

And I haven‘t even covered trump cards like The Visitor with his pulse rifle, Galactico with his jetpack divebombing, and fan favorite mascot Cuddlepool with his bone chainsaw!

Bot Spawn Locations Across the Fortnite Map

As you can see, bots spawn in set locations around points of interest. I‘d estimate through gameplay research that ~15% of the player population in a given lobby are actually bots! This especially holds true in matches with lots of new players.

The Game Changer: Bot Revives

Here‘s why bots ascend from nice-to-have to must-have: their newly added revive ability. Now, bots can pick you back up when you get eliminated instead of leaving you helpless on the ground while enemies swarm.

Some score the game winner after getting revived – clutch! Factoring in revives, bots can easily double your functional hit points during a match. The survivability increase cannot be overstated.

How to Cultivate Max Bot Potency

Don‘t just recruit your 8 bot buddies willy-nilly! To leverage bots fully:

  • Prioritize upgrading their weapons and healing items first when looting
  • Funnel enemies toward grouped up bots to get hit from all sides
  • Use long range weapons alongside sniper bots for devastating focus fire potential

For example with Lt. John Llama, replace his starting sniper rifle with a Rail Gun then target opponents he hits for a wicked knockout 1-2 punch!

Upgrading weaponry makes a WORLD of difference. An enemy streamer once rage quit on me after getting obliterated by my squad of maxed out bots – priceless!

Last Word on Fortnite Friends for Hire

Hopefully my bot battle breakdown showcases how recruiting Fortnite bots can majorly move the needle in your success column.

With the right upgrades, ability synergies, and revive mechanics, bots can carry their weight and then some. If you play the bot meta properly, even veterans will struggle to stop your squad!

So don‘t hesitate – drop in, seek out those allies for hire and let bot domination commence! Just remember the key gem to takeaway here – you can enlist up to 8 friendly bots per match. Now get out there and claim those Victory Crowns with extreme bot prejudice!

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