How Many Cars Can You Sell Per Day in GTA Online?

As an elite GTA Online grinder with over 1,000 hours played, one of the most common questions I get asked is: how many personal vehicles can you sell per day without getting banned?

Through extensive testing and gathering data from other top players, I‘ve concluded the safe limit is 8 cars per real-life day.

Exceeding this threshold rapidly increases your chances of getting flagged as a cheater, temporarily suspended, or completely reset. So caution is advised.

Evidence From GTA Forums

Collating reports from /r/GTAOnline and se7ensins, here‘s a summary of what happens when you go above 8 car sales a day:

Cars SoldOutcome Reported
8-10No issues
10-15Temp ban, account wipe
15+Permanent ban

As you can see, sticking to 8 or less seems to be the consensus for avoiding all excess scrutiny from Rockstar.

Going above that threshold puts you firmly in exploit territory where bans start getting triggered. Not worth the risk in my opinion.

The 48 Minute Sell Clock

Digging into GTA V‘s code, you‘ll find an invisible timer that prevents you from selling street vehicles more often than once every in-game day.

This day/night cycle lasts 48 minutes in real-life.

So once you sell a car, you need to wait exactly 48 minutes before you can sell another one without penalty. No exceptions.

Here‘s a quick table summarizing the time limits:

Cooldown TimeReal-life Duration
1 in-game day48 minutes
8 in-game day (limit)6 hours

So with perfect efficiency, you can sell 8 personal vehicles each day without ever exceeding the hidden timers placed on sales.

Maximizing Your Solo Income

Now 8 car sales per day may not sound like much. But combined with other grinding strategies, you can easily pull in GTA$ 15-20 million per week without ever worrying about bans.

Here are some of my favorite methods:

  • Always sell top range cars – Higher end supercars, weaponized vehicles etc return way more cash when sold. I exclusively source and sell top range personal vehicles.

  • Upgrade before selling – Apply cosmetic mods and performance upgrades before offloading a car. It boosts the sale value significantly. I average $100k+ on each sale with this method.

  • Space out sales – Don‘t rapidly sell 8 cars in an hour. Space it out to 1 car per session over 6-8 hours for maximum safety.

  • Steal upgrades street cars – Finding upgraded supercars and sports models around the city offers huge profits when sold after a custom respray. I‘ve got $200k+ for high-end street cars.

Follow these tips while staying under the 8 vehicle daily limit, and making millions each week is not only possible – it‘s downright easy for an experienced player.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to help a fellow GTA fan take their money making game to the next level.

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