Unboxing the Mystery: Just How Many Coins is a Wubbox?

As an avid My Singing Monsters (MSM) player and guide-writer, few questions intrigue me more than the costs and income potential of the elusive Wubbox. These towering behemoths stand apart with their unrivaled coin generation capabilities – but also carry jaw-dropping price tags.

Just how many coins do you need to obtain Wubbox‘s powers? What type of investment and ROI can you expect? I‘m here to lift the lid on everything you need to know!

Upfront Costs: Price to Purchase and Fill

Let‘s start by unboxing the upfront costs to obtain your very own coin-producing Wubbox. As highlighted in my intro, the initial sticker shock can be intense!

Purchase Cost

The base cost just to purchase an empty Wubbox on any Natural Island is a whopping 75 million coins. That alone would bankrupt most early games!

But remember, you‘re not just buying any ordinary monster. Comparing the size of a Wubbox that towers over your entire island to a tiny Mammott highlights what a special monster this is:

Now 75 million coins still seems astronomical! But investing in your first Wubbox should be every player‘s top priority. The income potential makes it well worth the early sacrifice.

Filling Cost

Once purchased, the real expense begins: filling your Wubbox!

Filling requires placing one of every monster from that island inside the Wubbox‘s inventory. And each monster must be purchased, fed to at least level 15, and have empty beds available first.

That feeding and housing can easily cost an additional 50-100 million coins depending on the island.

For example, filling an Air Island Wubbox requires placing 16 different monsters inside. Buying and feeding just the two Rare monsters – Rare Deedge and Rare Fwog – to L15 costs around 8 million coins in food. Repeat that for 14 other monsters and your total quickly climbs!

Let‘s break down estimates for each island:

IslandMonsters to FillEst. Feeding CostTotal with Purchase

So in total, expect to invest between 105-125 million coins to buy and fill your first Wubbox!

Cost Over Time

That 100M+ coin total represents a massive upfront cost. As a new player still building your first couple million, how can you reasonably save up?

The key is thinking long-term. Setting a goal to purchase your Wubbox over weeks and months. Slowly collecting coins from all your islands. Throwing any spare diamonds at feeding structures.

Patience pays off. What seems impossible early on will happen naturally over time. And once that glorious day comes when you finally can afford your Wubbox, the years of waiting make it even more glorious!

Now…what kind of payoff can you expect from this investment?

Income Potential: Coins Per Minute

After what feels like an eternity preparing, you finally have a fully powered Wubbox ready to start paying you back! Now the real rewards begin.

I hope you‘re sitting down looking at these coin-per-minute production rates:

  • Plant Island – 5,000 coins per minute
  • Cold Island – 4,500 coins per minute
  • Air Island – 4,000 coins per minute
  • Water Island – 3,500 coins per minute
  • Earth Island – 3,000 coins per minute
  • Gold Island – 2,500 coins per minute

Your new Wubbox spits out coins faster than a toddler eats candy! No other monster comes close to matching that production speed.

To put this in perspective, even top-tier Celestials and Werdos produce less than 1,000 coins per minute. And basic monsters like the Furcorn? A mere 30 per minute.

Stacking multiple Wubbox gives insane compounding potential. A pair of Plant Island Wubbox produces 10,000 coins/minute – equivalent to 20 Furcorns…per minute!

But what about getting your investment back?

Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis

Let‘s go back to those upfront costs – the 125M+ coins you diligently saved up and agonized over spending.

  • With a Plant Island Wubbox producing 5,000 coins/minute, it takes 25 minutes to earn back just 1 million coins.
  • In 4 hours, you‘ll have your entire 125 million investment back!
  • After a full day, nearly 350 million coins earned.

I‘ll repeat…in just ONE day, a single Plant Island Wubbox pays back its ~125M cost and nets 225M profit.

Now compare to an expensive Celestial like Humbug:

  • valued for its high 750 coins/min.
  • But with a ~50M coin cost, it takes over 2 days to break even.

In the time it takes ONE Humbug to pay itself back, a Wubbox has 4 days and nearly 1 billion coins in pure profit!

The simple fact is no other monster delivers a faster return on your hard-earned coins than the Wubbox. It will jumpstart your income potential like nothing else in MSM.

Multiple Wubbox vs Alternatives

With income potential so high, should you save up for multiple Wubbox? Or invest coins into other monsters/islands first? Let‘s compare.

Filling Your Island

A common tip for new players is buying the cheapest beds to maximize space for more monsters. BUT with Wubbox taking whopping 6 beds each, can you still effectively fill your island?

The answer is yes! After you have at least one of each elemental monster (single, double, triple) for breeding, use remaining space for Wubbox and coin producers like Celestials.

For example, optimal setups may look like:

Plant Island

  • 1 Wubbox
  • 2 Humbugs
  • 1 Yool
  • 1 Deedge family
  • 2 Shrubb families
  • 1 Stakey family

This perfectly fills all 30 beds while maximizing income. Repeat for other islands!

Multiple Wubbox Analysis

Once your islands have a few Celestials/Werdos, is it it worth purchasing additional Wubbox? Or further upgrading other islands first?

The short answer: absolutely prioritize more Wubbox!

Let‘s break down a few key advantages:

Compounding Income

  • Every additional Wubbox keeps multiplying your coin potential.
  • Ex: 3 Plant Wubbox = 15,000 coins/min. That‘s insane!

Minimal Incremental Costs

  • After your first Wubbox, each additional one "only" costs 75M.
  • No extra filling costs since your island is already complete.
  • Compared to upgrading more islands (20M+ each) it‘s much cheaper.

Space Efficiency

  • Wubbox provide unparalleled income packed into modest 6 bed footprint.
  • No other monster comes close to that value-per-bed.
  • Makes it easy to keep adding more Wubbox to each island.

Based on the math, you should absolutely invest every spare coin into additional Wubbox over further developing islands. The monetary advantage and compounding ROI is too good to pass up!

Now you may be wondering – with income potential so high, are there any downsides to these money-making machines?

Drawbacks and Usage Considerations

While I‘ve clearly painted the Wubbox as an absolute must-have game changer, there are still a few caveats to consider:

Initial Cost Barrier

  • 125M coin investment is clearly not feasible for brand new players. Need months of preparation.
  • Requires having all island monsters already fed/housed – can‘t rush things!

Cumbersome Size

  • Wubbox sheer size does restrict decoration placement options when jamming multiple.
  • Limits certain themes and layouts unless you strategically decorate first.

Epic Wubbox First?

  • Epic variant only costs 1 diamond, better short-term option before save up for Standard.
  • But comparatively less income potential. Prioritize standard Wubbox as soon as possible.

Supernatural Quirks

  • As a "Spectral Singularity" the Wubbox has some odd quirks like no contrib to Tribal Island songs.
  • Visual design may not appeal to all players – depends on your aesthetic preferences!

Patience Young Grasshopper!

  • As we‘ve covered in detail, the long journey to obtain Wubbox requires slowly amassing coins over a period of months.
  • This game rewards patience and persistence. Stay diligent and your Wubbox destiny will come!

While the Wubbox isn‘t feasible or appropriate early on, no other long term investment compares to the formidable income generation and ROI. You will want these as cornerstones of every island eventually.

Coins per Second? One Wubbox Please!

We‘ve uncovered a true beast of the MSM world. Behind the Wubbox‘s goofy exterior lies tremendous economic power.

To summarize:

  • Expect around a 125 million coin total investment to purchase and fill Wubbox
  • Income potential from 3,000 to 5,000 coins per minute makes this powerhouse a no-brainer
  • Pursuing multiple Wubbox on each island should be every player‘s #1 financial priority

Few things bring me more joy than seeing my precious Wubbox rake in thousands of coins per minute. The long journey to obtain these powerhouses test one‘s patience – but delivers great rewards.

I hope this guide has "unboxed" some myths to showcase what an absolute must-have financial engine the Wubbox is for all Monsters handlers! Feel free to reach out with any other questions in the comments below.

Happy monster hunting!

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