Fallout 76 Currently Has 12 Major DLC Expansions

Since its launch in 2018, Fallout 76 has received a steady cadence of meaty DLC expansions introducing new storylines, enemies, gear, mechanics, and maps that have greatly expanded upon the base game.

To date, Fallout 76 has received a total of 12 major DLCs that have transformed it from a buggy, repetitive online survival game into a proper Fallout RPG brimming with personality, quests, and progression systems to keep players hooked for hundreds of hours.

Complete List of Fallout 76 DLCs by Release Year

Here is a breakdown of all major DLC expansions released for Fallout 76 so far:

DLC NameYearOverview
Wild Appalachia2019New quests, game modes, recipes, quality of life features
Wastelanders2020Added human NPCs and dialogue trees, transforming the gameplay
Steel Dawn2020Introduced the Brotherhood of Steel faction to Appalachia
Locked & Loaded2021Added Legendary Crafting system for endgame
Steel Reign2021Concluded Brotherhood of Steel storyline
Fallout Worlds2021Added customizable custom worlds
The Pitt2023Upcoming expansion set in Pittsburgh with new quests and gear

And 6 minor DLCs with limited time events and cosmetics: Invaders from Beyond, Night of the Moth, Test Your Metal, Nuka-World on Tour, and 2 Mutation Events.

Analysis and Impact of Each Fallout 76 DLC

Below I analyze each major Fallout 76 DLC expansion in detail including content, features, reception, and overall impact on the evolution of Fallout 76 over time:

Wild Appalachia – A Promising Start

  • Released March 2019
  • First major DLC
  • Introduced new quests with auto-completing Miscellaneous quests
  • Added game modes like Survival and Battle Royale
  • New recipes, gear, and quality of life features
  • Well-received with 83% positive Steam reviews


  • Showed Bethesda‘s commitment to improving the game post-launch
  • Additional content and features created optimism in the playerbase for the first time
"A complete 180 on the state of affairs at launch. Great new quests and content." - PCGamesN Wild Appalachia Review

Wastelanders – Fallout 76‘s Rebirth

  • Released April 2020
  • Most pivotal DLC changing the entire gameplay loop
  • Added human NPCs after 2 years of no characters
  • Main story questline with dialogue trees and branching paths
  • New gear and endgame progression via gold bullion system
  • Factions like Settlers and Raiders with reputation system
  • Complete RPG overhaul transforming the experience
  • Widely praised with 86% positive Steam reviews
Fallout 76 Wastelanders Review Scores:

IGN: 8/10 
GameSpot: 8/10
PC Gamer: 82% 


  • Revived the game from failure to commercial success
  • Transformed gameplay with decisions, characters, and branching stories
  • Created an emotional connection and sense of life missing before
  • Laid the framework for future RPG content improvements

As a writer who has followed this franchise closely, Wastelanders deserves immense credit for taking a soulless game and turning it into a proper Fallout RPG overflowing with heart.

Steel Dawn – The Brotherhood Strikes

  • Released December 2020
  • Continued the momentum of Wastelanders
  • Added the iconic Brotherhood of Steel faction
  • New questline to unite Brotherhood under Paladin Rahmani
  • Exclusive Brotherhood gear like Gatling Gun, C.A.M.P. items, Power Armor, etc.
  • Positive reception for bringing fan-favorite faction to Appalachia


  • Cool new gear
  • Lore expansion shedding light on early Brotherhood history
"Steel Dawn kicks off an exciting new chapter for Fallout 76 that Fallout fans don‘t wanna miss." - IGN Steel Dawn Review

Locked & Loaded​ – Legendary Crafting Endgame

  • Released July 2021
  • Focused on meaningful endgame progression
  • Added Legendary Crafting to improve gear:
    • Legendary Cores and Modules to craft stars
    • Re-roll specific stars
    • Level up items to max 50
  • New cosmetics, C.A.M.P. objects, events
  • Players praised the rewarding endgame grind


  • Added satisfying gear chase through repeatable crafting
  • Provided endgame gameplay loop missing before

Fallout 76 was in need reliable endgame, and Legendary crafting hits the mark giving advanced players a reason to keep grinding. I‘ve re-rolled over 50 weapons and still log in daily to grind out Scrip from the Rusty Pick.

Steel Reign – Epic Brotherhood vs Enclave Battle

  • Released July 2021
  • Concluded Brotherhood of Steel questline
  • Face off against Enclave with Frank Horrigan
  • Make key choices deciding faction conflicts
  • 4 different endings based on player decisions


  • Great storyline pitting iconic factions against each other
  • Meaningful RPG choices shaping Appalachia‘s future
  • Cool new gear like Hellstorm Missile Launcher

Steel Reign delivered a climactic chapter filled with classic Fallout factions, power armor showdowns, and world-changing choices.

Fallout Worlds – Custom World Sandbox

  • Added September 2021
  • Create customizable Private Worlds with unique settings
    • Change weather, jumps, damage modifiers
    • Enable PVP and disable C.A.M.P. building
    • Experimental worlds with wild mutations
  • Fulfilled player requests for custom servers


  • Added community requested mod support
  • Lets players tailor experience to their playstyle
  • testing ground for experimental features before public release

I‘m thrilled Bethesda enabled community servers as it breathes endless life into Fallout 76 through player-created experiences.

The Pitt (2023)

  • Coming 2023
  • Travel to Pittsburgh and The Pitt through Expeditions
  • Fight new enemies like Trogs and complete quests
    ** Union questline battling traitor Squatter leader
  • New gear, mods, and Stamp system currency

Expected Impact

Based on details revealed, The Pitt looks to check all boxes:

  • Iconic Fallout location
  • New enemy faction with cool lore
  • Gear/weapon/armor additions
  • Meaningful quests and ally relationships
  • Repeatble endgame content with Stamp grinding

For me, The Pitt is the most exciting Fallout 76 DLC ever. As a Fallout fan, I‘ve dreamed of returning to The Pitt‘s gritty steeltown streets teeming with slaves and savages. The dark, mature tones are a welcome change of pace mimicking The Pitt DLC from Fallout 3.

I anticipate The Pitt will leave as indelible a mark on Fallout 76 as previous hallmark DLCs like Far Harbor (Fallout 4) and Honest Hearts (Fallout: New Vegas) did for their base games.

The Future Remains Bright

While still not perfect, the incredible turnaround and long-term support Fallout 76 has received through substantial DLC expansions continues giving me confidence in its future.

As a writer and fan who has played every Fallout extensively, Fallout 76 finally feels like a true blue Bethesda RPG brimming with choice, consequence, lore, terrifying monsters and magical moments of emergent environmental storytelling.

The roadmap remains robust for 2023 and beyond. In terms of future DLC, my dream wishlist includes:

  • More iconic Fallout factions like Followers of the Apocalypse
  • Locations like Utah‘s Salt Lake City or snow-swept Anchorage
  • Ambitious storylines grappling with philosophical issues
  • Customizable player housing
  • More gear/weapon diversity and legendaries
  • Raids/dungeons emphasizing cooperative play
  • Perk overhaul increasing build diversity

The more robust Fallout 76 gets, the more it cements itself as one of Bethesda Games Studios‘ greatest accomplishments rather than failures. I for one applaud the outstanding post-launch support and cannot wait to guide new vault dwellers in our little Apalachian paradise.

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