You‘ll Need 59 Dragon Souls to Unlock All of Skyrim‘s Shouts

What‘s up dragonborn! After hundreds of hours mastering the Voice in Skyrim since its latest updates, I learned first-hand that you‘ll need a whopping 59 dragon souls to unlock all 20 shouts with their 3 words of power.

I know, I know…that sounds like a ton. But stick with me here – I‘ll break down exactly how shouts work, where to find those crucial words of power, and advanced tips to start devouring souls so you can become a true master of the Thu‘um!

Shout Mechanics: 1 Dragon Soul Per Word

Here‘s the skinny for you newcomers…

  • There are 20 total shouts you can unlock
  • Each shout contains 3 words of power
  • So there are 60 words/souls needed altogether (20 x 3)
  • You need 1 dragon soul to unlock each word
  • So basically 60 dragon souls required in theory

But here‘s the kicker…

You actually get 15 words/souls for free just by completing the main story quests. So you only need to hunt down 45 more words via exploration or other questlines.

Here‘s a quick breakdown:

| Words/Souls from Main Quests | 15 |
| Words/Souls to Find | 45 |
| Total Souls Needed | 59 |

So in summary – 59 big juicy dragon souls to siphon to turn yourself into a Thu‘um master!

Dragon Soul Farming Guide

"But how do I get those precious souls quickly?" I hear you ask.

Well my fellow Dovahkiin, here are my top tips after maxing out dozens of characters…

  • Fast travel to major cities often to trigger random dragon attacks
  • Finish side quests involving dragon hunting
  • Replay the main questline since it‘s loaded with ‘em
  • Use Call Dragon or Call of Valor shouts since they‘re basically bat signals for dragons
    *venture into the Soul Cairn – the place is crawling with formidable foes
  • Activate dragon lairs to wake those lazy beasts up

If that sounds like too much effort, you can always abuse alchemy to create overpowered weapons that instantly melt dragons. But what fun is that??

The most exciting way is to practice your skills and take down those winged bullies the old fashioned way – with blood, sweat and steel!

Marked for Death – The Ultimate Dragon Slaying Shout

Now you might be wondering which shout is best to focus your precious souls on…

While classics like Unrelenting Force and Fire Breath have their uses, many fans argue that Marked for Death reigns supreme in the latest patches.

When fully unlocked, this nasty 3-word shout reduces your enemy‘s armor by a whopping 4,000 points while dealing 180 damage per second for 60 seconds!

I‘ve one-shot countless mighty foes by activating Marked for Death then striking with my 100 one-handed damage dagger. Combine that with stealth attacks and high-level weapon enchantments and you‘ve got yourself an invincible build, my friends!

So if you‘re struggling against those super tanky enemies, prioritize Marked for Death above all others. Just watch those pesky dragons melt before your eyes!

Well I hope this guide gives you guys a great head start on shouting your way through Skyrim. Let me know down below if you have any other questions – I could talk dragons all day long!

Yours in dovahzul,
[Your Name]

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