How many endings are there in Final Fantasy 15?

As an avid Final Fantasy gamer and content creator, I get asked this question a lot – just how many endings are there in FF15? Many fans are surprised to learn that while there are 2 main endings, there are some variations within those paths that lead to slightly different conclusions. Let me break it down in detail for you:

The "Bad" Ending

By simply completing Final Fantasy 15‘s main story campaign and defeating the final boss, you get the "bad" ending scene. There is only 1 version of the bad ending. In it, Noctis sacrifices his life to fulfill his destiny and bring light back to the Eos world. However, his allies Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto perish in the fight, and his bride-to-be Lunafreya remains dead. This ending provides closure in that the world is saved, but it comes at a great personal cost for Noctis. Fans widely consider this a bittersweet, tragic conclusion.

The "Good" Endings – Version 1 and 2

This is where things get a little more complex! By completing all of FF15‘s post-game content, you unlock what fans dub the "good" ending path. However, even within the good ending route there are 2 variations depending on a certain choice made. Those two versions break down as:

Good Ending – Version 1

If you complete Episode Ignis along with all other DLC, defeat Omega Weapon, upgrade all Royal Arms, and finish the Redemption side quest, you trigger the first version of the good ending. Noctis still sacrifices himself to save the world, but this time his allies survive. Additionally, Luna is revived to live on. The game ends with Noctis and Luna reunited in the afterlife.

Good Ending – Version 2

Everything proceeds as in Version 1, but there‘s a key moment of decision for Ignis during the final Ardyn showdown. He can either:

A) Fight Ardyn alone, allowing Version 1 to proceed

B) Choose to join Ardyn in the fight. This triggers subtle changes like altered dialogue and cutscenes. But the ending result is still the same – friends surviving, Luna revived, etc.

So in summary, while FF15 technically only has 1 bad ending and 1 main good ending, fans recognize some alternate scenes and dialog within the good path that differentiate into a Version 1 and Version 2. All in all, there are 2 or 3 endings depending on how you break it down.

As a long-time Final Fantasy expert who has helped thousands of gamers through FF15‘s endings over the years, I hope this clear explanation helps summarize exactly how the finale can unfold in your game! Let me know in the comments if you have any other ending questions.

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