How many endings does the house game have?

House is an acclaimed indie horror title that provides players with an unsettling gameplay experience focused on escape and survival within a possessed home. One aspect that provides exceptional replay value is the inclusion of six possible endings based on various choices made throughout the course of the game. These multiple conclusions add stacks of mystery and influence the overall impact of the narrative.

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the horror genre, I will provide some helpful analysis and insights into achieving House‘s different endings for those looking to fully complete this gem.

Overview of the Six Haunting Endings

Without spoiling too many specifics, here is a quick yet insightful overview of the six available endings to give players a teaser of what to expect:


  • Bad Girl – A fail state if certain safety measures are not upheld in time. This one stings.
  • Good Girl – Difficult choices must be made to progression. Not for the faint of heart.
  • Family – Requires expert finesse to mend broken bonds while avoiding dangers.
  • The Song – A somber, bittersweet finale, but may offer some closure.
  • Sacrifice – The terror concludes, but at what cost? Some consider this the pinnacle finale.
  • Promise – An optional ending with very specific parameters. True payoff for the dedicated.

As evident above, players are in for an intensely immersive, emotionally charged ride depending on the outcome. Now let‘s get into deeper analysis of how to achieve each ending successfully.

Unlocking the Bad Girl Ending

The Bad Girl ending will trigger automatically if the player fails to prevent the death of Melody before 9 PM. Melody is Katie‘s possessed younger sister who players need to carefully monitor. If she dies, the hauntingly lethal "Possessed Sister" apparition will begin stalking the halls, putting Katie and her family at risk.


Based on analyzing player reports and feedback, the Bad Girl ending seems to occur by accident in most initial playthroughs due to poor planning or players still learning the gameplay mechanics. While unsatisfying narratively, it does teach critical lessons on being more prepared so is worth achieving at least once.

Unlocking Conditions:

  • Let the Possessed Sister kill Melody before 9 PM
  • Do nothing to interfere or prevent Melody‘s death

This ends up being one of the easier endings to achieve, although fair warning the sight of Melody meeting her shocking demise can be scarring. Now let‘s examine how to reach the pivotal Good Girl ending next.

Revealing the Disturbing Good Girl Finale

The Good Girl conclusion requires players to make an unthinkable decision regarding dear Melody‘s fate. To progress the game‘s story and access extra content, Melody must be eliminated before the 9 PM deadline. But rather than allow the Possessed Sister to claim her, Katie is forced to intervene for the greater good.


This morally questionable choice haunts players with a chilling, brutal cutscene of Katie mercifully ending her sister‘s suffering. While traumatic, this daring path then opens the basement level for exploration while laying Melody‘s soul to finally rest.

Fascinating lore and clues can also be discovered, but wicked new threats await in the shadows below. This dramatic twist sets the stage for endgame challenges.

Unlocking Conditions:

  • Directly kill Melody yourself before 9 PM deadline
  • Access previously locked basement level
  • Face enhanced hauntings and disturbing sights

Now for an uplifting change of pace, let‘s examine how to achieve the light-hearted Family ending…

Mending Fences with the Family Ending

Achieving the Family finale requires maintaining the safety of Melody while also refusing to return her cherished doll Dolly. This signals Katie‘s desire to mend fences with her tortured sister and continue bonding.


However, players must master stealth tactics and quick thinking to keep deadly threats at bay. One small mistake risks Melody paying a terrible price, so tension runs high. If you want that touching reunion with Melody embracing Katie, expert resource planning is vital.

I personally found this ending extremely rewarding from a narrative perspective, although the platforming challenges spike intensely. Let those hard-fought tears of joy flow!

Unlocking Conditions:

  • Ensure Melody survives until the ending
  • Do NOT return her Dolly doll before completion
  • Heightened evasion and distraction skills required

Give Melody the warm hug she deserves after all she‘s endured. Just brace for the journey ahead…

Further Analysis on Remaining Endings

While I wanted to provide deeper insight into three of House‘s pivotal endings, further dissecting all finale options would provide excessive spoilers. However, below is some non-spoiler commentary on noteworthy points for the remaining three endings:

The Song Ending:

  • Saving Melody in a specific way offers emotional closure
  • This somber ending is required for the optional 6th ending
  • Haunting yet poetic final sequence

The Sacrifice Ending:

  • Occurs if Katie is abandoned in the house after 9 PM
  • Some players consider this the true ending based on theories
  • Does the family actually escape…or will spirits return?

The Promise Ending:

  • An ultra-secret bonus ending with precise steps needed
  • Must be attempted after the 5th "Good Girl" ending
  • Your dedication will be greatly rewarded

Closing Thoughts on House‘s Endings

Hopefully this deep analysis brings new appreciation about how House‘s multiple endings deliver incredible replay value while allowing players to see the full disturbing story play out from several angles. I highly suggest attempting all endings to experience this emotional rollercoaster fully!

Do you have any other questions regarding navigating endings or gameplay strategies? As a horror aficionado I‘m happy provide additional tips! Please sound off in the comments. And whatever you do…stay out of the shadows when playing House late at night!

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