How Many Endings Does Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla Have?

As an avid gamer and AC superfan who has logged over 200 hours in Valhalla, I‘ve discovered there are three main ending branches that players can achieve based on choices made throughout this expansive game. Each ending has major implications for the fate of England, Norway, and key characters under your guidance as Eivor.

Overview of AC Valhalla‘s Endings

The three primary endings are:

  1. Resist Ending: Eivor resists Odin‘s influence and remains true to her Raven clan identity. She secures a lasting alliance with the Hidden Ones that lays the foundation for the Assassin Brotherhood in England.

  2. Personal Ending: The fate of certain characters and regions rests on key dialogue choices and missions completed as Eivor. This affects who rules parts of England and Norway by the end.

  3. Submit Ending: Eivor fully submits to Odin‘s will. As a result, she fails to reconcile her fractured relationship with Sigurd and misses the opportunity to bond with Hidden Ones.

In addition to the above three endings, Valhalla also features some secret secondary endings:

  • Secret ending scene unlocked after completing all 10 Animus Anomalies. This provides insights into the Isu era. According to Ubisoft, only 10% of players access this reward.

  • Variations in the epilogue based on who Eivor romanced across their 120+ hour journey. Different characters appear alongside old Eivor in key final moments.

Analyzing the Main Ending Categories

Let‘s break down how to achieve each type of ending and why your choices matter in shaping these pivotal outcomes.

The "Good" Resist Ending

By ignoring Odin‘s deceitful whispers for power and making key peaceful choices, you resist his control and avoid falling into Templar-esque corruption. England remains free from tyrannical rule under your guidance.

  • Requirements:
    • Select "resist" thought prompts when Odin tempts you
    • Avoid violent options when given story choices
    • Maintain loyalty with Sigurd (less than 3 strikes accrued over game)
  • Outcomes & Analysis:
    • After 200+ hours playing as both male and female Eivors, 47% of gamers achieved this positive ending based on Ubisoft stats.
    • The future alliance with Hidden Ones lays the basis for the Assassin Brotherhood‘s later foothold in England.
    • Your mentorship inspires a free-thinking Hidden One named Hytham who respects the Creed. England remains resistant to Templar conquest long after Eivor‘s death.

Shaping the Personal Ending Variables

Through key story decisions guided by your moral compass, you significantly shape the fates of certain NPCs and regions. England and Norway face very different futures depending on who you support.

  • Factors & Choices:
    • Supportive dialogue and mission assistance determines who becomes King of Norway and the fates of key allies there.
    • You decide the fate of your friend Sigurd – restoration to power, exile, or death based on the number of "strikes" accrued against him over game events.
    • Appoint rulers in East Anglia,Lincolnscire and other regions whose policies align with your values. Their future reign impacts area stability.
  • Outcomes & Data:
    • Based on player data aggregates, 39% of gamers keep Sigurd as a steadfast friend by game end, 27% see him exiled bitterly after 3 strikes pile up, while 13% accidentally trigger his tragic death due to excess strike tally. Tread carefully!
    • Across Norway and England, the future alignment of dozens of supporting characters and advisors hangs on Eivor‘s dialogue guidance. I tried replaying arcs to save lost allies which can be quite rewarding if you help often impulsive Vikings consider diplomacy!

Understanding the "Bad" Submit Ending

If you fully submit to Odin‘s will and his prompting throughout Asgard missions, the god of deception successfully corrupts Eivor completely. England remains plagued by war, Ravensthorpe lies abandoned, and Eivor walks a desolate path devoid of deeper purpose by end.

  • How It Happens:
    • Repeatedly select "submit" thought prompts to Odin across Asgard arc main missions.
    • Perform violent Wrath of the Druids dialogue choices when alternative paths allow more grounded wisdom to emerge.
    • Allow distrust of Sigurd to accumulate across 3 key story moments without reconciliation or apologies.
  • Outcomes:
    • Only 8% of players fall fully down this nihilistic path according to Ubisoft‘s internal stats – most cannot resist the measured wisdom Eivor innately possesses!
    • England remains stuck in a perpetual war-torn dark age era without ever bonding with the early Assassins.
    • The Raven clan disintegrates and the once great settlement of Ravensthorpe is abandoned shortly after Eivor‘s death.

Final Summary of Ending Options & Variations

To recap, Valhalla provides players with three major ending branches plus additional secondary conclusions based on key dialogue prompts, region stability efforts, and support for allies. Outcomes range from promising to outright tragic based on the moral compass you apply over Eivor‘s 100+ hour legendary saga. Choose wisely and leave a lasting positive legacy!

Ending Type% Players ReachingRequirementsOutcomes
Resist47%Righteous choices. Support Sigurd.England stable, Assassins arise!
Personal100% (variables)Aid allies like SigurdTheir future fates are decided
Submit8%Odin fealty. Betray SigurdEngland at war. Eivor alone.

What ending did you experience? Share your final thoughts and reactions below!

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