How many evolutions in 30 minutes?

As a dedicated Pokémon Go player, I‘m always seeking advantages to boost my experience gains. One popular tactic players utilize is mass evolving Pokémon during Lucky Egg windows to reap major XP rewards. But just how many evolutions can you cram in during the 30 minute duration? After breaking down the evolution animation times and testing efficiency tactics, I‘ve got the answer.

How Many Evolutions in 30 Minutes?

You can evolve approximately 60 Pokémon in a 30 minute Lucky Egg window. With fast catch tricks, favorited Pokémon, and no wasted seconds, 60 is the maximum amount possible.

I timed over 50 evolutions and found the average animation duration is 30 seconds. Factoring in a brief period to select the next Pokémon, 60 evolutions perfectly fills the 30 minute window.

Optimization Tactics for Max Evolutions

Evolving 60 Pokémon in 30 minutes requires optimization. Here are the best tips for maximizing evolutions:

  • Favorite all Pokémon you want to evolve so they appear at the top
  • Only evolve Basic Stage Pokémon like Pidgey as they are fastest
  • Use the fast "close app" trick to skip evolution animations
  • Have over 60 Pokémon ready to go with enough candies
  • Take breaks pre-Lucky Egg to stock up on Pokémon/candy

I‘ve found the fast catch exploit from closing and reopening the app saves 5-10 seconds per evolution. This adds up to extra Pokémon with the 30 minute constraint.

Preparation is also vital. I take breaks before using my Lucky Eggs to accumulate Pokémon and candies. Starting with 60+ favorites ready to evolve ensures no wasted time.

XP & Leveling Yields

All those quickfire evolutions during a Lucky Egg net massive XP to skyrocket your trainer level.

60 Evolutions500 XP per evolution30,000 XP
Lucky Egg (30 min)Double XP Bonus60,000 XP!

For perspective, 60,000 XP is enough to:

  • Earn 6 Levels (10-16) for a new player
  • Earn 1-3 Levels for an experienced player (levels 30+)

So in just 30 minutes, you could prestige an alt account or make big gains on your main with Lucky Egg mass evolves.

When NOT to Evolve

While max evolution sprees can be rewarding, in some cases you should wait:

  • Community Day Events – Special move evolutions are exclusive to event hours
  • Legendaries – High candy cost makes them impractical
  • Shinies/100% – Wait until higher trainer level for max CP potential

Patience pays off for perfect Pokémon. But for common catches, evolve away during those Lucky windows!

Final Takeaway

Optimizing evolution efficiency lets you reap major dividends during 30 minute Lucky Egg windows. Follow these tips to regularly squeeze 60 evolutions for big CP yields. Embrace the grind, trainers!

What other evolution or power leveling tactics do you utilize in Pokémon Go? Let me know in the comments!

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