How Many Games Can You Have on the PS5 Home Screen?

As a passionate PS5 gamer and content creator, I get this question a lot – so here is the definitive answer. You can have up to 1,500 games accessible on the PS5‘s home screen interface thanks to a feature called Game Lists.

Here‘s a quick breakdown:

  • Each PS5 has support for up to 15 separate Game Lists
  • Within each game list, you can include up to 100 games
  • So if you maxed out all 15 lists, that would be 15 x 100 = 1,500 games on your home screen

That‘s a ton of gaming goodness ready and waiting on your home screen! But before you fill all of those precious slots, let‘s talk a bit more about the PS5‘s storage capacity, how to expand it, and tips for managing your game collection…

Understanding the PS5‘s 825GB Storage Capacity

The PlayStation 5 console contains a built-in 825GB solid state drive (SSD) for storage. But don‘t get too excited by that big number, because only 667GB of that is actually usable for games and apps!

PS5 Storage BreakdownCapacity
System Software and Reservations158GB
Usable Space for Games & Apps667GB
Total Storage825GB

The remaining 158GB is reserved for the PlayStation operating system and other critical system functions. This system reservation isn‘t uncommon though – the PS4 had a similar setup.

667GB can hold a decent number of games, but many popular next-gen titles like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 require over 100GB install sizes! So filling that internal SSD is definitely a real concern…

Game GenreAverage Install Size
Indie Games5-15GB

As you can see, you‘ll likely only be able to fit 10-20 full games on the internal drive before needing to upgrade…

Expanding Your PS5 Storage

Sony provides a few great options for expanding the storage beyond the console‘s built-in 867GB capacity:

External USB Drives

You can attach an external HDD or SSD to store your PS4 games and media files. This helps save that precious internal space for next-gen PS5 titles. External drives must be between 250GB and 8TB in size.


  • Very affordable way to add terabytes of storage
  • Keeps PS4/VR content off internal SSD


  • Slower load times than internal SSD
  • Can‘t play next-gen PS5 games

M.2 NVMe SSD Expansion

For next-gen performance, installing an M.2 SSD into the PS5‘s internal expansion slot allows you to store and play PS5 games directly from the drive. Compatible M.2 drives like the WD Black SN850 or Samsung 980 Pro can match and even exceed the speeds of the internal SSD.

PS5-compatible M.2 SSD requirements:

  • PCIe Gen4 x4 interface
  • 250GB – 4TB capacity
  • 5,500MB/s or faster read speed


  • Blazing fast M.2 SSD performance
  • Expand capacity up to 4TB
  • Play next-gen games directly


  • More expensive than external drives
  • Installation required

PlayStation Plus Cloud Storage

PS+ members also get 100GB of online cloud storage for game saves, and access to an expanding catalog of PS4/PS5 games available for direct streaming (no install required!).

So those are some great ways to maximize your PS5 storage capacity – but what about organizing your massive game library?

Top Tips for Organizing Your PS5 Game Collection

Use Game Lists to Make Folders

Game Lists allow you to organize your massive physical and digital game library into folders for quick access. You can create up to 15 lists with 100 items each. Nice way to group by genre, franchise, multiplayer/singleplayer etc.

Pin Your Favorite Games

Never lose track of your currently active games again! Use the "Keep in Home" option to pin up to 5 games or apps directly on your home screen.

Limit Home Screen Clutter

Quickly cut through the clutter and hide your backlog of shame. Restrict how many recent activities are shown on your home screen under System Settings > Limit Number of Content Items.

Suspend Just One Game

While Xbox Series X offers quick resume for multiple games, the PS5 system can only keep one game suspended in RAM at a time. Use this fast switching power strategically for your primary game.

Well, those tips should help you get the most out of the PS5‘s home screen interface and massive game collection potential! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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