How Many Garages Can You Own in GTA Online in 2024?

As of 2022, you can own a grand total of 10 garages and properties with parking spaces for vehicles in GTA Online. This allows you to store well over 100 vehicles across all your garages, with each one holding between 10 to as many as 50 cars.

Let‘s break down the various properties with garages and how much vehicle storage you get with each:

Apartments and Houses

Your main garage access comes from owning apartments and houses in GTA Online. Each apartment/house includes a 10 car garage for storing your personal vehicles.

You can own up to 6 total apartments or houses, allowing you to have 60 parking spaces across these properties.

These are great for storing your daily drivers and favorite supercars that you want quick access to from the pause menu. Apartments also give you a place to plan heists and other jobs.

CEO Office Garages

Once you register as a CEO, you can purchase offices with large underground parking garages. Each office garage holds 20 vehicles per floor, and you can add up to 3 floors for a total of 60 parking spaces.

CEO office garages offer roomy interiors, custom shop mechanics, and luxury customization options. However, they are expensive, costing several million GTA dollars to purchase and fully upgrade.

Motorcycle Clubs

As the President of a motorcycle club, you gain access to clubhouse properties with 10 car garages. You can own up to 5 clubhouses at once, adding another 50 parking spots for motorcycles and vehicles.

Clubhouses let you launch club missions and challenges which provide good income. They are also social spaces for meeting up with crew members.


Owning a nightclub gives you access to a service entrance underground garage with storage for 36 vehicles. It‘s second only to CEO garages in max capacity.

Nightclubs are useful for storing weaponized vehicles thanks to easy garage access. However, they don‘t have mechanic services for upgrades and customization.

Other Properties

Import/Export vehicle warehouses, hangars, bunkers, facility centers, and the Arena War workshop also include smaller garages for around 10 standard or weaponized vehicles each.

In total, you can mix and match across these business properties to add about 50 more parking spaces.

So in all across 10 properties, you can store over 100 vehicles in GTA Online as of 2022!

Changes in 2022 – 50 Car Eclipse Boulevard Garage

A major addition in 2022 is the new 50 car Eclipse Boulevard Garage included free with GTA+ membership subscriptions.

This publicly inaccessible garage features multiple floors of parking with room for 50 vehicles total! It also includes various customization options including:

  • Customizable Style and Design
  • Mural Paintings and Artwork
  • Neon Lighting and Floorplans
  • Mechanic Services

The Eclipse Garage alone expands total parking to over 150 spaces. Unfortunately it is only available to GTA+ subscribers on PS5/Xbox Series X|S as of now.

Tips for Managing All Your GTA Online Garages

With so many garages and over 100 parking spaces available, it can get difficult tracking all your vehicles spread across the map. Here are some tips:

  • Categorize vehicles – Keep weaponized cars separate from show vehicles in different garages
  • Utilize office garages – They hold the most cars while offering easy mechanic access
  • Swap garages – Trade an old garage for a new purchase if you hit the 10 property limit
  • Use the Mechanic – Call your mechanic to deliver vehicles so you don‘t have to retrieve them in person

Managing your empire of vehicles takes work, but the massive storage capacity in 2022 makes building your dream collection possible.

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I hope this guide gives you a detailed answer to exactly how many garages you can own in GTA Online as of this year. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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