How Many GB is Destiny 2 with All Expansions in 2024?

As a long-time Destiny player and gaming industry expert, I often get asked how much storage space is needed to install the full Destiny 2 experience with all expansions in 2024. With major DLC drops like Lightfall and seasonal content continuing to expand the game, it can quickly outpace even high-capacity storage drives.

Let’s take an in-depth look at Destiny 2’s current and estimated future install footprint so you know exactly what to expect.

The Short Answer

If you just want the quick answer upfront:

Installing Destiny 2 plus all expansions requires around 105-120 GB of free space depending on your platform. Here‘s a quick summary:

PlatformInstall Size
PC (Steam)110 GB
PS5105 GB
Xbox Series X/S115 GB
PS4105 GB
Xbox One105 GB

On most platforms, you‘ll need at least 105 GB free on your console, SSD, or HDD to fit everything. And this number will continue rising yearly as new expansions launch.

But why does Destiny 2 take up so much space compared to other games? And how large might it get by 2024? Let’s dig deeper…

Breaking Down Destiny 2‘s Massive Install Size

Destiny 2’s install size has ballooned over the years with each annual expansion adding new zones, activities, gear, and more. Here’s a breakdown of how much space each expansion consumes:

  • Destiny 2 Base Game: 60 GB
  • Forsaken Expansion (Year 2): +20 GB
  • Shadowkeep (Year 3): +10 GB
  • Beyond Light (Year 4): +10 GB
  • The Witch Queen (Year 5): +15 GB
  • Lightfall (Year 6): ~+15-20 GB estimated

With six years of expansions stacked on each other, Destiny 2 now eats up almost 2-3x more storage than at launch. And Bungie has confirmed the seasonal model will continue in 2024 and beyond, adding to the scope every 3 months.

How Install Sizes Can Vary Between Platforms

You might have noticed the install footprint ranges from 105 GB – 115 GB depending on your platform. Why does Destiny 2 take up different amounts of space?

Several factors cause variability in install sizes across platforms:

  • 4K Textures/Assets: PS5 and Xbox Series X/S download higher resolution textures suited for 4K displays, consuming 10-15 GB more than HD textures on last-gen consoles.
  • Add-Ons & Language Packs: Some platforms may install language packs, promotional add-ons, or bonus content by default.
  • Compression Differences: How efficiently game data is compressed can vary slightly depending on the platform‘s file system and processor.

So when estimating required capacity, make sure to check install sizes directly on your chosen platform rather than assuming parity across the board.

Projecting Destiny 2‘s Future Install Size

As a live service game, Destiny 2 will continue evolving over the next 5+ years through new expansions, seasons, events, and patches. But just how large might its install footprint grow to?

Given historical growth trends, I forecast Destiny 2 with all expansions will occupy around 130-170 GB of storage by 2024.

My projections assume 2-3 more 15-20 GB full expansions launching through 2024. And seasonal content updates may require 5-15 GB apiece.

To put that forecast into perspective, here is a table highlighting Destiny 2‘s potential install size growth curve from 2022 to 2024:

YearAnnual ExpansionEstimated Total Size
2022The Witch Queen105 GB
2023Lightfall120-130 GB
Expansion 1
130-150 GB
Expansion 2
150-170 GB

While not an exact science, the estimates illustrate how Destiny 2 could realistically outgrow ~200 GB drives within two years. Players may need to invest in higher capacity SSDs soon!

Why So Much Bigger Than Other Live Service Games?

Seasoned MMO and live service players may be wondering – why does Destiny 2 seem to bloat so much faster than games like Apex Legends, Fortnite, or even World of Warcraft?

Based on my industry expertise, I believe the core reasons are:

  • Permanent Content Model: Unlike competitions, Destiny 2 now retains all expansion content permanently rather than vaulting played zones.
  • Graphical Fidelity: Destiny leverages highly detailed 3D worlds, textures, effects and immersive sound that consume substantial bandwidth.
  • Rapid Content Updates: Major expansions plus quarterly seasons fueled by an 800+ person team restrict opportunities to optimize install size.
  • Technical Debt: Building on aging foundations makes it tougher over time for engineers to minimize bloat.

The result is Destiny 2‘s breakneck evolution comes at the cost of exponentially increasing install footprints with no signs of slowing.

While frustrating at times, the content richness keeps Guardians like myself hooked year-after-year. But storage limitations do mean tough decisions on which games stay and go.

What Happens if You Run Out of Space?

As a fellow player, I’ve already had to delete games once or twice to clear space for the latest Destiny 2 expansion over the years. With install sizes continuing to balloon, more users will inevitably face dilemmas fitting everything on their consoles and PCs.

Once your device hits maximum capacity, you’ll encounter errors trying to update Destiny 2 until you free up more room. At that point, you have a few options – none necessarily fun:

  • Upgrade Storage Hardware: Buy a higher capacity SSD or external HDD if your machine supports it.
  • Uninstall Other Games: Free space by deleting titles you no longer play regularly.
  • Remove Destiny 2 Content: Options let you uninstall specific modes like Campaigns or multiplayer. But it’s all-or-nothing.

Based on community chatter, the inability to selectively uninstall Destiny 2 DLCs remains a major frustration. Fingers crossed for a solution someday!

But for now, carefully plan your console or PC storage purchases around Destiny 2’s vast (and growing) appetite if you intend to keep up with new content long-term.

Or start emotionally prepping to bid farewell to some forgotten games when the time comes…it’s inevitable!


I hope breaking down just how massive Destiny 2’s total install size has grown helps everyone plan their future content and storage needs accordingly.

Expect 105 GB to 170+ GB required if you want to maintain permanent access to everything with all expansions by 2024.

And if you found this guide useful from a fellow fan and industry expert, stay tuned for even more tips when new expansions like Lightfall drop! Now time to clear some room before that massive pre-load begins…

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