How Many GB is Diablo 4?

As an avid Diablo series fan and PC gaming enthusiast, I‘ve been eagerly awaiting the release of the long in-development Diablo 4. However, when Blizzard recently unveiled the minimum 45GB install size requirement, it got me wondering – just how large will the full game download be? And why does it need so much storage space in the first place compared to previous entries in the franchise?

In this epic deep dive special, we‘ll explore everything you need to know about Diablo 4‘s installation demands across platforms, why the file size has ballooned so much, how it compares to other AAA titles, and most importantly – tips to have your PC or console ready to handle the upcoming launch!

Diablo 4 Installation Footprint Minimums

Based on the official minimum specs released by Blizzard Entertainment so far, here‘s a breakdown of the base storage space needed per platform:

PlatformFile Size
PC (Minimum)45GB
Xbox Series X/S75GB
PlayStation 575GB

So PC gamers need to allot at least 45GB if wanting to just sneak by the minimum spec, while those on the latest consoles should budget for a much heftier 75GB download.

But this is likely just the tip of the icy Frozen Tundra, with the actual install size possibly ballooning much higher once every ultra HD texture, map, sound effect and model is accounted for following the game‘s full launch on June 6, 2023.

Visual Fidelity Driving File Bloat

The main culprit behind Diablo 4‘s runaway installation demands compared to its decade older predecessor Diablo 3? Cutting edge graphics pushing the limits of current gaming hardware, which take up massive amounts of drive real estate.

As an open world action RPG and the first core franchise entry in over 10 years, the developers have spared no expense at maxing out the visuals to fully realize their dark gothic vision at up to 4K resolution and buttery smooth 60 FPS (on supporting hardware).

  • Intricately detailed 3D environments and models
  • Elaborate visual effects like particles and explosions
  • Intense physics and destructibility
  • Cinematic quality pre-rendered cutscenes
  • Varied weather and day/night cycles

All these cutting edge graphics technologies need plenty of fast SSD storage space for the high resolution texture maps, normal/specularity maps, HDR lighting data and untold number of material shaders.

As gaming moves firmly into the 4K era, install sizes creeping past 100GB+ may just become the new norm as seeing every pore, rain droplet and ray traced shadow in crystalline fidelity requires ample drive space!

Peer Install Size Comparison

To put Diablo 4‘s technical demands into context, let‘s see how it compares against some other recent big budget blockbusters in the open world gaming genre:

GameInstall SizeYear
Red Dead Redemption 2150GB2019
Elden Ring50GB2022
Diablo 475 – 100GB (Est.)2023

Based on these comparisons, we can expect the upcoming dark fantasy RPG to deliver a similar or perhaps even more content rich experience than some of the most critically acclaimed open world titles in recent memory.

Now that‘s surely worth clearing out some old games from your straining SSD!

Consoles Get the Lion‘s Share

Blizzard has a longstanding tradition of well optimized PC ports, but when it comes to installation footprint – the latest generation game consoles seem to carry the brunt this time around.

The Xbox Series X/S and PS5 editions require almost 70% more baseline storage capacity than their PC counterpart, despite typically offering matched visual settings.

This could possibly be attributed to higher resolution cutscenes or surround sound audio patches tailored specifically to the living room experience. Microsoft and Sony also mandate large reserve allowances for future title updates and DLC expansions.

Ultimately consoles represent a controlled experience allowing developers to really max out quality in exchange for your sanity juggling insufficient built-in storage!

Ongoing Updates Will Drive Size Ever Higher

Now while already demanding tens of GBs upfront today, veterans of the genre will tell you Diablo 4 in its full living glory is likely to progressively get even more storage hungry over the long haul.

Based on the traditions established by prior franchise instalments and Blizzard‘s other juggernaut IP World of Warcraft, substantial gameplay patches, features updates and story driven expansions are planned to keep rolling out for years post launch and will all require even more GBs.

Here‘s a rough roadmap projection of how large Diablo 4 could get by the end of 2023 assuming it follows a content cadence like its predecessors:

DateMilestoneEst. Size
June 2023Launch75 – 100 GB
December 2023Post-Launch Patches100 – 120 GB
Q3/Q4 2023Major Expansion120 – 150 GB

As you can see, famine quickly turns to feast when it comes to sating Diablo 4‘s appetite for more disk real estate!

Drive Optimization Guide

Alright, now that your mind is firmly blown by the sheer size of the beast, let‘s talk optimizing your PC or console storage to tame the download ahead of launch day.

Follow these essential tips and you‘ll return to enjoying the visceral hack and slash gameplay not worrying about clearing more space halfway through!

PC Storage & Setup Tips

  • SSD Strongly Recommended – Install on an SSD for way faster load times; HDD not advised
  • Minimum Capacity: 500GB SSD – Gives ample future proofing headroom
  • Ideal Drive: 1TB+ PCIe 4.0 NVMe SSD – Blazing transfer speeds!
  • Separate Game Partitions: Isolates from bloated OS
  • Leave 20%+ Free Space – Avoids slowdowns as drive fills up

Console Storage Upgrade Options

Both the Xbox Series X|S and PS5 unfortunately only pack custom 825GB and 667GB internal SSDs respectively, which is clearly insufficient now that 100GB+ game installs are becoming common.

Here are some expansion options to avoid needing to shuffle games on and off the paltry built-in storage:

  • Xbox Series X|S: Proprietary 1TB Seagate Expansion Card
  • PS5: Any compatible PCIe Gen4 M.2 NVME SSD

While pricier up front, investing into premium high capacity solid state storage tailored for next-gen gaming can save tons of headache (and re-download time) down the road.

Believe me, juggling game install shuffle is zero fun – take the plunge on more SSD space from the start!

Capping Off With Caps

After reading all this, I‘m sure many battle-hardened PC gamers are wondering about the implications around internet data limits.

Chowing through 45GB+ for Diablo 4 alone may take a sizeable chunk out of more restrictive monthly caps enforced by some internet providers.

To put that figure into perspective that equals about:

  • 7 hours of 4K video streaming
  • 90 hours of high quality music
  • 4500+ smartphone app downloads

So less generous data caps could mean needing to be creative, like hauling your gaming rig over to a friend‘s uncapped connection for the initial install or visiting the local internet cafe.

Either way, make sure to do your homework on any ISP imposed limitations beforehand so launch day isn‘t spent anxiously watching your data meter!

On the bright side, once installed offline play requires minimal bandwidth so no issues continuing your heroic exploits against the demonic forces thereafter.

The Foreboding Future

In closing, based on everything we‘ve covered it‘s clear Diablo 4 represents a watershed moment for just how large modern AAA gaming titles have become.

And if current trends hold, forecasts predict this upward spiral in install footprint showing no signs of slowing in the years ahead.

But thankfully by applying the storage preparation tips in this guide, your rig will stand primed and ready to confront the coming darkness head on when it arrives!

The only nightmare now is waiting the final few months until we can all dive back into the eternal battle against the Burning Hells…

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