How Many GB is Elden Ring on Steam Deck? A Complete 60GB Profile

Boasting an expansive open world mirroring a modern gaming PC title, Elden Ring weighs in at a massive 60GB download size on Steam Deck. This huge game demands significant onboard storage AND system resources for an optimal experience.

Elden Ring‘s Massive 60GB Footprint

As shown below, Elden Ring‘s 60GB footprint totally dominates the 64GB Steam Deck‘s 57GB of usable storage. Even the 256GB model surrenders 27% of its capacity. Only the premium 512GB Deck leaves reasonable room for extras:

Steam Deck ModelTotal StorageConsumed by Elden Ring

With up to 130 hours for full completion across The Lands Between, Elden Ring is likely to occupy your Steam Deck for weeks if not over a month of playtime. Storage and performance planning is essential.

Free Up System Resources Before Launching

Given the game‘s intensive technical profile, completely exiting any background Steam downloads or desktop apps before playing is strongly advised. Actively freeing up memory and GPU resources allows Elden Ring to claim full access for best performance.

Via the SteamOS interface, monitoring and forcing closed unused processes grants Elden Ring the headroom to match modern gaming PCs. Some frame drops or clipping at intense moments is still possible given the handheld form factor limitations.

The Lands Between Demand 50-130 Hours To Conquer

For first-timers focused only on core storyline beats, Elden Ring still requires a hefty 49 hours typically. But with so many side dungeons and quests fleshing out the rich lore, many devote 82 hours or more to complete additional content.

And the most completionist players can pour 131 hours to fully conquer Elden Ring‘s sprawling world – hence the need for careful storage planning!

In summary, Elden Ring‘s 60GB of demanding AAA content mirrors its similarly epic gameplay length. Manage storage wisely, free up Deck resources before playing, and prepare for an expansive 50-130 hour quest to remember!

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