How Big is Mortal Kombat 11 on PS4 in 2024? It‘s a Beast!

Listen up MK fans – our beloved Mortal Kombat 11 has ballooned to a whopping 104GB install size on PS4 as of 2023! As both a hardcore gamer and content creator focused on fighting games, even I did a double take when I saw that download figure pop up.

Let‘s dive into the evolution of MK11‘s install footprint over the years and why it now takes up a gigantic chunk of your PS4‘s hard drive:

MK11 Launch Size vs Current Size – What Happened?

Back when Mortal Kombat 11 first fatalitied its way onto PS4 in April 2019, it seemed pretty reasonable with a 24GB requirement. Nothing out of the ordinary for a current-gen fighting game, right?

Well fast forward to today in 2024 and MK11 taps out your HDD with a 400% increased install size! Here‘s a growth chart across some major milestones:

DateMK11 VersionInstall Size
April 2019Base Game Launch24GB
May 2019Day One Patch35GB
March 2020Aftermath Expansion63GB
March 2022All DLCs97GB
January 2023Latest Patch104GB

As you can see, NetherRealm has crammed a staggering amount of additional content into the game over nearly 4 years of support:

  • 12 new DLC fighters like Spawn, Terminator and Rambo withhundreds of gear pieces, skins, brutalities etc
  • Engine/graphics upgrades for 4K textures, enhanced effects
  • All-new story chapters and game modes
  • Continual patches and balance tweaks every ~3 months

The result is MK11 has slowly metastasized from a 24GB base game to a 104GB storage hog! 😱

No wonder my PS4 sounds like a jet engine when installing updates nowadays.

How MK11‘s PS4 Size Compares to Other Fighters

To give you some perspective, here‘s a quick comparison of MK11‘s footprint versus some other popular fighting games on PS4:

GameInstall Size
Mortal Kombat 11104GB
Street Fighter V18GB
Tekken 761GB
Injustice 267GB

As you can see, good ol‘ MK11 dwarfs the competition! No other fighter comes close to the storage requirements.

Heck, even Call of Duty and their ginormous updates don‘t reach MK11 levels of PS4 bloat!

Why Are The Updates So Large?

Now you might be wondering – why are some MK11 patches almost as large as the base game even though they only tweak some moves or add small pieces of content?

Well it comes down to how NetherRealm bake all the game assets into gigantic packages rather than efficiently delivering only the changed files.

Most developers utilize the PS4‘s patching capability to surgically insert updates. However with MK11, any tiny tweak means having to redownload nearly the entire game package!

And as asset quality and quantity has increased over the years, those update packages have grown bigger too.

Here‘s hoping they figure out a better way to compress and deliver patches in Mortal Kombat 12! My PS4 hard drive space would surely appreciate it.

Managing Your PS4 Storage for MK11

Between game installs, DLC extras, captured videos and screenshot images we gamers have to keep a watchful eye on storage space.

So with MK11‘s colossal footprint, here are 5 tips to stop your PS4 from regularly bursting at the seams:

1. Expand capacity with an external USB drive – They are super affordable nowadays with 1TB models under $50. Simply plug in, format and you‘ve got all the breathing room you need.

2. Uninstall unused games & apps – Be ruthless and clear out anything not in regular rotation. You can always redownload later if needed.

3. Backup and delete old media – Upload your epic Mortal Kombat screenshots and video clips to the cloud then purge them from your PS4.

4. Clear system cache & rebuild database – This can reclaim a few GBs by clearing crud. Just don‘t interrupt the process or data might be lost!

5. Upgrade PS4 internal HDD – More complex but swapping out the stock 500GB drive for a 2TB FireCuda SSHD adds capacity with the speed boost of flash memory.

So don‘t let MK11‘s outrageous install dimensions cause you storage headaches my fellow gamers. With some smart management you‘ll keep your PS4 hard drive singing!

Anyway, I‘m off to test out MK11‘s new Rambo fatalities before the next big patch has me clearing space again. Let me know if you have any other questions on maintaining your PS4 storage!

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