There are 13 hearts in a standard 52-card playing card deck

As an avid card player and tabletop gaming enthusiast, one of my favorite suits in the deck is the vibrant red hearts. But though I‘ve handled packs of cards countless times over the years, I never stopped to tally up exactly how many of those cute little hearts are in a standard deck.

So let‘s clear it up right off the bat – there are 13 hearts cards in a complete 52-card set, identical to the number of clubs, diamonds, and spades. Each of the four suits contains an ace, cards numbered two through ten, a jack, queen, and king. Learning some basic probability around drawing a heart as well as the origins and symbolism behind this iconic suit can illuminate your next card game or fortune-telling session!

A Statistical Breakdown of Hearts in the Deck

A standard French deck used for most card games today includes a total of 52 cards across all four suits. Here is a statistical reference of how those cards are distributed:


  • Hearts: 13 cards
  • Diamonds: 13 cards
  • Clubs: 13 cards
  • Spades: 13 cards

Total cards: 52


  • Ace: 1 card of each suit
  • Number cards (2-10): 9 cards of each suit
  • Face cards (Jack, Queen, King): 3 cards of each suit

Total ranks per suit: 13

So each of the four suits – hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades – contains 13 cards to reach the full sum of 52 in a deck.

Out of that total, what is the probability of randomly drawing a heart card when selecting a single card from the complete 52 card set?

Probability of drawing a heart = Number of hearts / Total number of cards
= 13 / 52
= 1 / 4
= 25%

You have a 1 in 4 chance, or 25% odds, of getting dealt a heart card each time you pick a card from the deck!

Let‘s see how this probability can play out in the luck of the draw across some sample card games.

Heart Probability in Action

5 Card Stud Poker

In five card stud poker, each player receives one ‘hole‘ card dealt face down and four community cards dealt face up over betting rounds. What are the odds of being dealt at least one heart in a hand of five random card selections from the deck?

  1. Initial probability of first card being a heart = 13/52 = 25%
  2. If heart drawn, done! If not, odds of second card now = 12/51
  3. Probability of no hearts in first two cards is (1 – 0.25) * (1 – 0.24) = 57%
  4. The inverse probability is drawing 1+ hearts = 43%

Therefore, each 5 card hand has a 43% chance of containing at least one heart.


In blackjack, players start with two hole cards while the dealer has one card face up. What are the odds of a player being dealt two hearts to start a round?

Probability of first card being a heart: 13/52 = 25%

If heart drawn…
Probability of second card being a heart given one heart already drawn = 12/51

Combined probability = (13/52) (12/51) = 6.7%*

As you can see, the more hearts already showing, the less likely you are to draw another one!

The Origin and Symbolism of the Heart Suit

So why does the classic heart shape resonate so strongly across cultures and artistic mediums? What does this iconic symbol actually represent?

The red heart suit as we know it today on playing cards can be traced back to the late 15th century in France. However, the symmetrical looping icon reflects an even older artistic motif – the ivy leaf and vine. In medieval religious texts, scribes used stylized illustrations of leaves, vines, and flowers to decorate letters and borders. These images carried symbolic meaning linked to the natural world.

Ivy in particular represented fidelity, faithfulness, and undying affection due to continually clinging to surfaces as it grows. As artistic representations evolved toward symmetry over time, the lobed ivy leaf transformed into the abstract shape encoding devotion…what we now universally recognize as the "heart" symbol!

So while the French may have popularized hearts on modern playing cards, the visual icon taps into a botanical meaning reaching back centuries. Let‘s examine other symbolic dimensions of the heart suit through its role in mystical divination practices like cartomancy.

Reading Hearts in Cartomancy

Card reading has always overlapped with games of chance – after all, both engage in interpreting randomness behind shuffled decks! Cartomancy practitioners in particular divine deeper life insights from the cards pulled much like a tarot reader.

The four card suits carry common symbolic themes in cartomancy:

  • Hearts ♥️ → Emotions, Relationships, Home
  • Diamonds ♦️ → Wealth, Material Goods
  • Clubs ♣️ → Achievements, Intellect
  • Spades ♠️ → Challenges, Adversity

So when a heart card shows up in a reading, the mystical interpreter checks on themes of love, family, and emotional well-being. Have you been prioritizing connections with loved ones recently? Or perhaps a friendly new relationship blooms just around the corner!

For romantics out there, drawing a heart card signals amplified luck in your love life and bonds with others according to the cartomantic arts…good to know for you singles on Valentine‘s Day 😉

Now that we‘ve covered the history and symbolism tied to this vibrant suit, let‘s spotlight some exciting plays involving hearts in popular card games.

Notable Heart Plays in Card Games

While all suits stand on equal ground mathematically in the deck, players often develop affinities for their favorites over time. For card aficionados partial to red, let‘s highlight cool heart plays across some classic games.

Poker – The Heart Flush

In poker, suited cards always captivate since drawing a flush (five cards of the same suit) means power. While professionals debate diamond flushes vs. spade flushes endlessly, nothing beats the visual pop of five vibrant red hearts!

Landing a heart flush might be rare, but when that solid color bricks across the board…other players sweat with dread seeing their chip stacks gradually turn red too 😉

Hearts – The Queen of Hearts

The classic partnership game "Hearts" always reminded me of Lewis Carroll‘s Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland growing up thanks to a key role held by the Queen of Hearts card. She rules as the potent 13 point penalty card, primed to strike fear if drawn unwillingly into your hand!

In Carroll‘s story, the deranged Queen notoriously shouts the phrase "Off with his head!"…which often rings through my mind when facing down the risky Queen of Hearts card requiring careful play in the Hearts game too!

Blackjack – The Lucky Ladies

While suited cards offer little edge mathematically in blackjack, many players still develop quirky superstitions around certain cards. For me, catching two Queens of Hearts brings an automatic reflex to double down my bet regardless of the dealer card!

Though the Queens provide no mathematical advantage, those lucky red ladies tapping the felt keeps me constantly doubling down just like Alice chasing that card-toting rabbit hole into Wonderland yet again…Off with his head! 😉

So across various games, players show heart cards special affection! Before you shuffle up the deck again, take a moment to admire how this aesthetically striking suit alsoweaves an artistic legacy spanning cultures and time periods through its symbolic representations. You might just gain luck from the heart‘s highest cards or reveal insight on relationships from the suit‘s minor arcana associations!

I don‘t know about you, but I‘m off to manifest drawing more red suited hands tonight! Here‘s hoping Lady Luck shows some heart.

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