How Many Heists Have I Done in GTA 5?

Unlike some other games, there is no definitive counter or statistic in GTA 5 tracking exactly how many heists a player has completed. However, by checking certain awards and stats, players can get a reasonable indication of their relative heist experience. For those looking to test their criminal mastery in GTA Online, estimating heist numbers completed can serve as a benchmark for progress.

Accessing Available Heist Stats

While GTA 5 doesn‘t directly display total heists done, the in-game stats menu does provide related information:

  • Pause Menu > Stats > Criminal Records – Shows general statistics for activities tied to heists and other crimes. These can give a ballpark sense of how many illegal jobs you‘ve pulled.

  • Awards – Various awards track milestones related to completing heist activities a certain number of times. These can act as lower bounds if you‘ve made sure to finish the tracked requirements.

  • Social Club – On Rockstar Social Club, your profile shows earnings statistics from heist completes in GTA Online. Higher overall earnings suggest more heists done.

So while there isn‘t a singular number of "heists completed", combining these various stats can indicate your relative level of heist experience within GTA 5.

Overview of Major Heist Story Arcs

To provide context around completing heists in GTA 5, here is a brief overview of the major heist arcs that include repeatable co-op missions:

Single Player Story Heists

GTA 5‘s single player story mode features six big heists interwoven with the narratives of protagonists Michael, Franklin and Trevor:

  • The Jewel Store Job
  • The Merryweather Heist
  • The Paleto Score
  • The Bureau Raid
  • The Big Score

These storyline heists are prepped and completed as part of GTA 5‘s main quests. They cannot be repeated or returned to outside the context of a replayed story.

GTA Online Heists

Multiplayer GTA Online offers team-based heists which can be repeated by players:

  • Introductory Heists:

    • The Fleeca Job
  • Main Story Heists

    • Prison Break
    • Humane Labs Raid
    • Series A Funding
    • Pacific Standard Job
  • Major Update Heists:

    • Doomsday Heist (3 acts)
    • Diamond Casino Heist
    • Cayo Perico Heist

By tracking your progress and repeats completing these high-stakes, multi-part co-op jobs, you can effectively count the number of online heists under your belt.

Completing the Criminal Mastermind Challenge

Players aiming to complete every GTA Online heist consecutively as a set team on Hard difficulty can unlock the prestigious Criminal Mastermind challenge. This awards a massive cash bonus in recognition of mastering every step of every heist without losing a team life.

The full Criminal Mastermind gauntlet provides great perspective around the scale of successfully executing each online heist. Completing this trial is perhaps the best benchmark available for measuring personal heist experience.

Heisting Until the Take is Big Enough

While getting an exact counter is elusive, consensus among GTA Online fans is that your cumulative race towards bigger and bigger scores serves as its own marker. The satisfying adrenaline of completing higher value, higher difficulty heists while building connections with a regular crew often overshadows chasing a number alone.

Many ambitious crews grind heists relentlessly in order to afford the most exclusive toys – customized supercars, penthouses, weapon workshops and more. The ever-rising value of your citywide empire signals how many times your team has managed to get away with grand larceny at its boldest.

So get out there, assemble your squad, scout your target, and confirm exactly how prolific of a career criminal you might become. The fortunes of Los Santos await!

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