You Can Build 3 Houses in Skyrim with Hearthfire DLC

As an avid Skyrim player with over 200 hours under my belt, one of my favorite parts of the game is building up my homestead. The Hearthfire DLC allows you to construct 3 unique houses from the ground up – giving you a sense of ownership and accomplishment as you expand your manor.

But you have up to 9 potential homes available depending on DLCs owned:

Lakeview ManorFalkreathBuilding MaterialsLarge
Windstad ManorHjaalmarchBuilding MaterialsLarge
Heljarchen HallThe PaleBuilding MaterialsLarge
BreezehomeWhiterun5000 goldSmall
HoneysideRiften8000 goldMedium
Vlindrel HallMarkarth8000 goldMedium
Proudspire ManorSolitude25000 goldLarge
HjerimWindhelm12000 goldLarge
Severin ManorSolstheimCompleting QuestMedium

Out of all these options, the three buildable houses introduced by Hearthfire stand out for their customizability and room to display your treasures. Let‘s take a deeper look at what each one has to offer.

Lakeview Manor – A Serene Escape

Nestled in the dense pine forests of Falkreath, Lakeview Manor enjoys beautiful views of the nearby lake and hills. With space for over 150 weapon plaques and shelves for your dragon priest masks or daedric artifacts, Lakeview has the most display options out of the 3.

I also love the armory wing specifically made to show off your gear. You can spend hours carefully arranging swords, staves, and armor sets until it‘s just right. Lakeview has served me well across 3 playthroughs – it‘s spacious, pretty, and easy to upgrade early on.

Total wings: Entryway, Main Hall, West Wing, South Wing, East Wing

Best features: High display capacity, lakeside views

Downsides: Far from major cities, giants & bears wander nearby

Windstad Manor – Custom Fishery & Hatchery

Windstad has the distinctive advantage of being right on the marsh, letting you build out over the water. I always go for the fish hatchery first to start gathering salmon roe and fish for alchemy. The greenhouse wing and cooking pots also help with potion making.

Between the fishery and apiary, you can harvest alchemy ingredients while enjoying Windstad‘s unique scenery. It may be damp and foggy, but I don‘t mind the seclusion. Bears do prowl nearby so beware!

Total wings: Entryway, Main Hall, East Wing, West Wing

Best features: Built-in fish hatchery/apiary, lots of storage space

Downsides: Far north location, swampy aesthetics

Heljarchen Hall – A Launching Point for Adventures

Of all three Hearthfire houses, Heljarchen wins me over with its central location near Whiterun plus gorgeous mountain views. I love how the pale orange sunsets light up Dragonsreach in the distance. You‘re also right between Dawnstar and Morthal for fast travel.

The massive granary wing offers substantial storage, while the tower overlooks the plains below. Heljarchen Hall feels sturdy yet welcoming – equally suited as a quiet home for family or a launching point for new adventures. I always return here between epic quests to drop off loot.

Total wings: Entryway, Main Hall, North Wing, West Wing

Best features: Central location, open views of plains & mountains

Downsides: Lots of giants nearby

Verdict: Lakeview Manor is Best for Collectors & Completionists

While arguably Heljarchen Hall has the best location, I favor Lakeview Manor for its unparalleled display count – with space for every Daedric artifact, dragon priest mask, shield, weapon set, and mannequin you could want. Lakeview also has convenient access south to Falkreath for selling goods.

As a passionate collector in Skyrim, I love curating the ultimate armory hall to showcase my most prized gear. Lakeview lets me do that while also containing all crafting stations on site. Its serene forest locale looking over the lake makes a perfect backdrop. Highly recommend to any completionists!

Let me know your own thoughts on the best Skyrim houses. I‘m always seeking tips from seasoned dragonborn warriors on how I can further upgrade my homes across future adventures in Tamriel!

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