How Many Kills Are Needed for a 4K Damage Badge in Apex Legends?

As an obsessed Apex Legends player and content creator, one of my top goals has been unlocking the coveted 4K damage badge. But dealing over 4,000 damage in a single match is no easy feat. So exactly how many kills do you need to reach that lofty 4k damage threshold?

After analyzing statistics across weapons, abilities, and top player high-kill games, I‘ve calculated estimates on the kills needed for a 4K badge under various conditions. Let‘s dig into the numbers!

Average Damage Per Kill

The first key stat is the average damage dealt per kill in Apex Legends across all players. According to data aggregator, the global average is about 400 damage per kill.

StatisticDamage Per Kill
Global Average400
Top 10% Players500+
Apex Predators600+

So for an average player to reach 4,000 damage, you‘d need 10 kills if you maintained 400 damage per elimination. But what about optimal weapons and thirsting knocks?

Damage Values By Weapon

Naturally, the weapons you use have a big impact on your damage output. An R-301 will deal less per bullet than a ramped up Devotion LMG.

Based on the latest stats, here are the top 5 weapons for damage per second (DPS) in Season 16:

Rampage LMG189

Additionally, killing a knocked enemy gives you +100 damage on top of weapon damage. So the best loadout for a 4K game would include:

  • A hard-hitting primary like the Havoc or Flatline
  • A shotgun like the Mastiff or PK for high burst damage
  • Thirsting every kill for the extra 100 damage

Factoring this in, I estimate 15-20 kills could reasonably yield a 4K badge. But let‘s break this down further.

Damage Needed By Kills

Based on the average 400 damage per kill and +100 per thirst, here‘s estimates on the damage possible for different kill amounts:

KillsBody DamageThirst BonusTotal Damage

As we can see, 15 kills with full thirsts could potentially lead to the 4k damage badge. Of course, factors like weapons and accuracy still apply to reach these damage amounts in a real match. Hot dropping and getting all purple/gold armor also gives you more health to maintain high aggression.

Speaking of aggression, let‘s examine how top Apex Legends pros and streamers secure massive 30+ kill games.

Lessons From 20 Kill and 4K Badge Highlights

Watching players like iiTzTimmy and imperialHal score huge games gives us additional insight into playstyle and strategy needed for hitting 20 eliminations or 4,000+ damage.

Some key takeaways:

  • They hot drop or land very warm to fight 1-2 teams off spawn
  • Quick armor swaps and utilizing cover is critical
  • Spamming nades, getting knocks with snipers, and coordinating with teammates all raise damage
  • Certain legends like Horizon, Valk, and Octane facilitate high-kill games with their mobility to take more fights faster

If you want to analyze these high intensity matches yourself, I‘d recommend Timmy‘s 26 kill game on Storm Point or Hal‘s 4K damage match on World‘s Edge that show off these concepts.

Final Tips for Unlocking the 4K Damage Badge

With all of this data and pro gameplay in mind, here are my top tips for finally getting over 4,000 damage and earning that coveted badge:

  • Land hot and thirst all your knocks
  • Use vertical mobility legends like Horizon or Valk
  • Have shotgun and rifle/LMG loadouts available
  • Take fights at all ranges to maximize damage farming
  • Grab yellow armor anytime you can to withstand more damage in fights
  • Play hyper-aggressively – chase gunshots and kills over anything else!

Hopefully this deep dive has provided ample wisdom into achieving high-kill and high-damage matches in Apex Legends. Let me know if this info helps you finally unlock your own 4K or even the elusive 20 kill badge! As always, stay disruptive out in the Apex Arena.

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