How Many Kills for Cerberus+1 Catalyst in Destiny 2

As a passionate Destiny 2 player and content creator, one of my favorite exotic weapons is the Cerberus+1 auto rifle. It tears through adds and decimates majors at close range with its spread shot. Recently, I finally got the catalyst to drop which upgrades the weapon with the Focused Fire perk. In this guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about getting the Cerberus+1 catalyst and unlocking its perk.

How Many Kills for the Catalyst Perk?

To fully upgrade the Cerberus+1 catalyst and unlock the Focused Fire perk, you need 500 kills with Cerberus+1. I was able to finish this quest step pretty quickly by loading into Altars of Sorrow runs in the Dreaming City. With the endless waves of Hive pouring in, I racked up the 500 kills in just a few runs.

Tips for Unlocking the Catalyst Quickly

Based on my experience, here are some tips to speed up the catalyst unlock process:

  • Use Altars of Sorrow or Throne World public events for easy add kills
  • Rally banners allow heavy ammo refills to use Cerberus more often
  • Team up with others also working on catalysts to multiply kills
  • Boosters like Guiding Light can help gain bonus progress

How Long Does the Cerberus+1 Catalyst Take?

Compared to some other exotic catalyst kill requirements, 500 is on the lower end of the spectrum. For example, catalysts like Vigilance Wing require 2500 kills in Crucible!

Here‘s a comparison of some other exotic catalyst kill objectives:

Exotic WeaponRequired Kills
Vigilance Wing2500 (Crucible)
Sleeper Simulant1000

So the Cerberus+1 catalyst can be knocked out pretty quickly with some focused farming.

Focused Fire Perk Benefits

The main reward for completing the catalyst is unlocking the Focused Fire perk. This allows you to hold reload to tighten the bullet spread into a close range fire mode.

In testing, I found that Focused Fire effectively doubles the damage output at close quarters. This pairs extremely well with Cerberus+1‘s trait where damaging enemies buffs reload speed. You can quickly melt through majors and chunk down boss health once they are up close.

Focused Fire takes an already formidable weapon and makes it even better. Having the option to swap between add clear and close quarters DPS on the fly makes Cerberus+1 incredibly versatile.

Final Tips and Recommendation

As a Cerberus+1 enthusiast, unlocking the catalyst should be a priority for any player that gets it to drop. Compared to other exotic catalyst objectives, 500 kills is very reasonable.

I recommend farming Altars of Sorrow or Throne World public events to quickly accumulate the kills. Rally banners and fireteam boosters will also help speed up the process. The bonus Focused Fire perk is absolutely worth the effort!

Let me know if you have any other questions about the Cerberus+1 catalyst or Destiny 2 in general! Making guides and helping fellow players is my passion.

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