That Ace Feeling: Just How Many Kills Does It Take?

You slash through the enemy team, explosions ringing in your ears. Four down — just one more for glory. You spot them, line up the shot…and ace! The chat explodes with congratulations and salt as you revel in sweet, sweet penta kill joy.

But while any multi-kill feels fantastic, the true ace usually takes 5 kills to earn the title across games.

The Magic 5: Origin of the Ace

The concept of an aerial "ace" traces back to World War I, when pilots who shot down 5+ planes got the label. Some gamers argue it was already an elite sports term before then.

Either way, racking up 5 solo kills in a short timeframe takes incredible skill. Early air battles and today‘s rapid-paced games both demand precise aim, smart maneuvering, calm nerves, and a bit of luck.

That‘s why getting an ace is so prestigious to this day.

WW1 plane silhouette

Slicing through the skies since the early dogfighting days

Now let‘s see how ace benchmarks vary across major titles…

By the Numbers: Ace Requirements in Popular Games

GameKills RequiredNotes
Valorant5Full team wipe
Spike defuses count!
CSGO5Bomber/hostage modes need 4
Overwatch6Assists from other heroes count
Rainbow Six5Full enemy team (some special modes have 6)
Call of Duty5Within one life
Killstreak bonuses start at 5
Battlefield6Lone wolfing it gets tricky with vehicles and large maps
League of Legends5Teamfights blur individual counts
Pentakill feats still honored
Dota 25Like LoL above
Fortnite5In a single match
Sniper elims seem easiest to stack up
Apex Legends5Full squad wipe
Fast pace helps top players ace often

As we can see, 5-6 enemies taken down single-handedly in one round or life represents a mighty achievement across the board. Developer tweaks tailor the ace concept to each game‘s flow.

Let‘s analyze how these benchmarks emerge and what hitting them means…

Apex Legends character art

Apex Legends highlights individual accomplishments despite its squad focus

Anatomy of an Ace: Game Design Influence

A few key factors underpin ace milestones in competitive games:

Enemy Counts

  • Matches need enough opponents for sprees without ending too quickly
  • 5-6 provides solid ace potential while 7+ gets quite grueling


  • Limited lives per round enable sprees within one life
  • Quick respawns in hero games still allow some comeback potential

Pacing & Game Mode Choices

  • Slower tactical games (CSGO, Valorant) highlight individual play
  • Hero games and vehicles modes split focus but have personalities that shine

Developer Decisions

  • Ace numbers deliberately chosen as exciting feats reflecting mastery
  • Special "pentakill" announcements in LoL/Dota2 reinforce hype

Player Culture

  • Aces admired for skill demonstrations more than just score piling
  • Registration as elite player goal drives hardcore practice to achieve

In summary, achieving ace status requires excelling across areas like aim, positioning, ability timing, and killer instinct – hence the prestige. Let‘s see them in action…

Kings of the Kill: Ace Artists Showcase

Aces frequently grace tournament streams and gameplay compilation channels. Here are some top examples across titles:




Asuna‘s Reyna:


Pine‘s McCree:

Apex Legends

iiTzTimmy‘s Rampart:

Unlock the Ace Achievement: Tips from the Pros

Ask any ace machine how they do it and some key tips emerge:

  • Pick carries – Lock a high damage agent and get comfy!
  • Focus on mechanics – Nail the combat fundamentals first.
  • Get aggressive – Play to win trades and steamroll.
  • Trust instincts – Out-think opponents and act decisively.
  • Review matches – Learn from victories and losses.

Of course raw talent goes a long way too. But combining natural ability with smart practice gets you readiest to seize ace opportunities.

Beyond 5: Special Ace Types

While 5 remains the magic ace number, a few special variants add extra spice:


  • Exclusive LoL/Dota2 term for full team wipes
  • Announcer shouts feed the hype!

7 Kill Streaks

  • Bad Company 2‘s Air Superiority mode ups the ante
  • Still achievable for top helicopter pilots

Sniper Aces

  • Across titles, 5+ quickscope kills show incredible skill
  • Bonus bragging rights!

100 Aces

  • A select few record mammoth ace counts over time
  • Enter the Pantheon of FPS Gods

These take ace play to even higher echelons. Love seeing streamers unlock them!

The Future of Aces

With ace benchmarks well established across multiple hit games, they clearly offer exciting yet reachable goals for ranked climb. This ingrains their longevity as premier player accomplishments.

Still, I‘d love to see some variations too! Few things feel better than a newly coined phrase celebrating your sick match moment. We could see announcer lines like:

  • "Holy Hexakill!" (6)
  • "Septastic!" (7)
  • "Legendary Octo-crush!" (8)

Don‘t stop at penta, devs! Though whatever the number, aces will always represent profound skill peaks worthy of praise.

So sharpen those skills if chasing that glory. And may many ace shouts await you in future firefights!

Fist bump silhouette

Go get that ace, champ!

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