What is Considered an Average or Good Number of Kills in Call of Duty: Warzone?

As an avid Warzone player and content creator myself, this is a question I get all the time from viewers and squadmates looking to step up their game. Whether you‘re wondering how you stack up against other players or aiming to improve, understanding the average and above-average benchmarks for kills and K/D is key.

Defining Core Stats

For anyone new to Warzone, let‘s quickly define some core stats:

Kills: Your total number of enemy eliminations
Deaths: The number of times you‘ve been eliminated
K/D Ratio: Your ratio of kills per death (e.g 1.5 K/D means 1.5 kills for every 1 death)

These stats are what we‘ll use to benchmark your performance. Now let‘s dive into the numbers!

Average Overall K/D Ratio

Across all Warzone players, the average K/D stands at around 1.0. This means that on average, players record 1 kill for every 1 death.

However, there is significant variation in K/D based on factors like skill, experience, platform and more which we‘ll cover shortly.

Here‘s a quick benchmark though:

  • 1.0+ K/D: Above average
  • 0.8-1 K/D: Average
  • Below 0.8: Below average

So landing above 1.0 K/D means you‘re winning more fights than you lose, which is solid for the average player.

Average Kills Per Game

Average kills per game varies more significantly based on Warzone‘s game modes:


  • 0-5 Kills: Below average
  • 5-10 Kills: Average
  • 10-15 Kills: Above average
  • 15+ Kills: Excellent


  • 0-6 Kills: Below average
  • 6-12 Kills: Average
  • 12-20 Kills: Above average
  • 20+ Kills: Excellent


  • 0-8 Kills: Below average
  • 8-15 Kills: Average
  • 15-25 Kills: Above average
  • 25+ Kills: Excellent


  • 0-10 Kills: Below average
  • 10-20 Kills: Average
  • 20-35 Kills: Above average
  • 35+ Kills: Excellent

So adjusting your goals and expectations based on the mode is key. But across core modes, averaging 10-15 kills generally keeps you above the pack.

What Impacts KD & Kill Averages?

Now that we‘ve seen the big picture averages, it‘s important to unpack why these numbers vary between players. Here are some of the key factors:

Skill-Based Matchmaking (SBMM)

Warzone uses SBMM to match players of similar skill levels. This restricts the K/Ds and kill counts of most players towards the average benchmarks based on their internal skill rating.

This is why you rarely see players sustaining 5+ K/Ds over the long run. Even great players will get placed into higher skill lobbies to normalize their stats.

Game Mode & Pacing

Solos and duos matches play very differently from trios and quads in terms of kills available per player. The type of squad also impacts pacing and kills. Playing with Randoms vs an organized squad produces varying results.


Playing on PC with mouse & keyboard provides key accuracy/control advantages over console. The average K/D of PC players tends to be higher than console as a result.

Platform K/D Comparison

Data Source: CoDTracker.gg

Playtime Frequency & Focus

Casual players jumping on occasionally will likely remain below average, while dedicated gamers playing daily with focus on improvement will achieve much higher than average stats over time.

Distribution of Players By Skill Level

Let‘s take a look at the landscape of Warzone players segmented by skill level and percentile, based on K/D ratio which is the ultimate performance benchmark.

This data compiles rankings across over 175 million Warzone players to date:



Data Source: WZRanked.com

A few interesting takeaways:

  • The upper percentiles show how rarefied the air is for elite Warzone players sitting in the top 5% or higher by K/D
  • However, a 1.5 K/D already puts you into the top 15% segment, so focusing on gradual improvement can pay big dividends
  • There‘s a ton of room for players to grow from the median 1 K/D towards the 80th+ percentile marks

Rating Distribution

WZRanked also segments players by defined rating classes. Here is the landscape:

Warzone Skill Rating Distribution

We can translate these rating classes to core benchmarks:

  • S-Class: 2.5+ K/D
  • A-Class: 1.75-2.5 K/D
  • B-Class: 1.25-1.75 K/D
  • C-Class: 1.0-1.25 K/D

This breakdown shows the top skill elites (S-Class) sitting at just 0.2% of the entire player population, while the majority of players occupy the C and D classes.

Once again, we see a ton of room for the average 0.8-1 K/D player to improve into higher rating buckets.

Now let‘s talk about some real standouts…

Kill & KD Outliers: Elite Players, Streamers and Record Holders

While most remain bound towards average kill and KD constraints due to SBMM, there are some standout outliers worth spotlighting briefly including:

Elite Players: Top competitive gamers playing 8-12 hours daily that breach into the 3-5+ lifetime K/D ratios and 30-50+ kill games. They master movement, gunskill, strategy and often squad up with similarly elite teammates.

Streamers & Content Creators: Top personalities like NICKMERCS and Symfuhny maintain impressive 3-4 K/D averages over thousands of matches along with high damage and 20-30 kill games. Their gameplay keeps them well above average already, but the added viewership and audience incentivizes them to maintain elite performance consistency.

Record Holders: At the calculated forefront sits Rallied holding the current world record for Warzone 2 kills with an astonishing 42 eliminations in a Solos match. For comparison, that outpaces the average lobby threefold. Previous world records also breached over 130 combined squad kills demonstrating the absolute peak possibilities.

While percentiles and bellcurves dictate most players remain around average, exploring these exceptional outlier performances represent the master class and drive all of us to improve!

Now that we‘ve covered the landscape, let‘s move the needle in the right direction…

Improving Your K/D & Kill Averages

Hopefully this analysis gives you solid perspective on where your Warzone skills currently stand relative to benchmarks. Here are 5 key tips to start improving your K/D and push towards above average kill counts:

1. Analyze Your Stats

Use sites like WZRanked and cod.tracker.gg to understand your historical performance across key stat categories. Identify problem areas dragging you down from goals.

2. Record & Review Matches

Self-analysis of match gameplay is invaluable. Identify mistakes in positioning, aim, strategy costing gunfights and kills.

3. Master the Fundamentals

Focus practice on core mechanics like centering crosshairs, precision aiming, slide canceling, plate management between kills. These are the tablestakes to win more fights.

4. Emulate the Elite

Study gameplay strategies, positioning tactics and weapon/perk choices utilized by top players and content creators excelling in the modes you play. Reverse engineer what works at the highest skill ceilings.

5. Squad Up

Having competent, team-oriented teammates alleviates pressure, provides information advantages and opens more kill opportunities via coordinated pushes. Finding solid squads suits all playstyles.

Closing Thoughts

Understanding Warzone benchmarks helps gauge your skills among the broader player landscape. While averages constrain most towards 1 K/D and 5-15 kills per match, opportunities abound to progress well beyond into higher percentiles through dedicated practice and squad play.

The kill ceilings stand sky high chasing streamers boasting 30 bombs and record setters dropping 40+ kill slaughterhouses. There‘s immense room for growth. Hopefully this overview has provided solid perspective and tips to begin leveling up your game. Dominate those lobbies and chase elite status!

Let me know what other Warzone topics you‘d like explored in the comments section below. This is your resident Warzone analyst [YourName] signing off for now. Cheers!

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