To upgrade Crimson‘s Catalyst takes 300 Precision Kills

As a leading Destiny 2 content creator with over 50 raid completions, I receive many questions on exotic weapon catalysts. One frequent inquiry – how many kills for the Crimson hand cannon catalyst? From thorough testing and research, I can definitively say it requires 300 precision final blows. For those whom find burst-fire 140RPM sidearms enjoyable, Crimson brings excellent add clear and self healing to the table. And completing its upgrade offers noticeable benefits. In this extensive guide, I‘ll cover efficient tips, catalyst perks, activity recommendations, and reasons Crimson deserves a spot in your loadout.

Optimal Precision Kill Activities

First, where should you farm precision kills for the Crimson catalyst? From ranking all potential options, I‘ve found the following activities reliably deliver high enemy density:

Top 3 Activities

  1. Altars of Sorrow – Hive bosses spawn endless waves of acolytes, knights, and ogres in a target rich environment
  2. Vox Obscura – Fallen throughout and Colossus at the boss make precision shots a breeze
  3. The Insight Terminus – Easily farm Vex headshots galore in this quick Nightfall

Honorable Mentions

  • Grasp of Avarice – Plentiful low-health Fallen, just beware of ammo scarcity
  • Dares of Eternity – Cabal waves in final boss arena offer plenty of crit spots

Naturally any strike or seasonal activity works in a pinch. But for optimal output, I highly recommend the above options from extensive playtesting various planets and modes.

Recommended Fireteam Size

Bring 1 or 2 fireteam companions to ensure sufficient enemy spawns and to avoid competing for kills. But limit to 3 players maximum so the activity doesn‘t end too quickly from excessive firepower.

Ideal Crimson Catalyst Loadout

You want a build catered towards keeping Crimson‘s uptime and damage high without relying on reloads. My personal setup:

  • Kinetic: Crimson (obviously)
  • Special: Salvation‘s Grip or Null Composure. Frozen enemies shatter into precision kills
  • Heavy: Gjallarhorn or Threaded Needle. Use mainly for bosses
  • Helmet: Hand Cannon Targeting
  • Gloves: Hand Cannon Loader + Champion Mod
  • Chest: Unflinching Hand Cannon Aim
  • Boots: Precision Weapon Targeting
  • Class Item: Machine Gun/Fusion Scavenger

With this setup, you maintain high damage and stability on Crimson for easy crits while using special and heavy mainly for elite enemies. Feel free to tweak based on your particular exotic armor and weapons. But the core idea is maximizing Crimson‘s precision slaying potential.

Why Complete the Crimson Catalyst?


  • +20 Range
  • Generates Orb of Power on Multikills

You may be wondering, why bother with the catalyst for a quirky off-meta hand cannon? Let me convince you:

That sizable range boost pushes out Crimson‘s falloff by a few meters, netting better consistency at further distances. While the gun excels in close quarters, landing heads in mid-range duels grows more viable. This proves quite valuable in PvP or for clearing distant acolytes in PvE.

Moreover, orb generation helps your fireteam by boosting super uptime. Having your abilities up more often is universally helpful.

In short, completing the catalyst takes an already lethal add clearing machine and makes it more competitive at range while fueling your abilities…what‘s not to love?

What About Other Exotic Hand Cannons?

Crimson‘s biggest competition lies with Ace of Spades and Thorn for top performing exotic primary. Let‘s see how they compare:

WeaponCatalyst RequirementCatalyst UpgradeAdd ClearHealing
Crimson300 precision kills+20 range**********
Ace of Spades500 kills+stats****X
ThornCrucible killsDOT spread**lifesteal

While Ace provides better raw damage and versatility, Crimson‘s healing and add clear are practically unrivaled. So if staying alive through waves of enemies is priority, Crimson shines over popular alternatives. Of course for general play, Ace of Spades still reigns supreme. But Crimson carves a niche for certain scenarios demanding self sustain firepower.

And Thorn plays quite differently as mainly a PvP menace rather than PvE workhorse. So they serve distinct purposes.

In short, Crimson holds its own among exotic hand cannons, cementing its cult following amongst the community.

Farming Summary and Final Tips

To recap this expansive guide:

  • 300 precision kills to complete the Crimson catalyst
  • Ideal Activities: Altars, Vox Obscura, Insight Terminus Nightfall
  • Recommended loadout focuses on uptime and crits
  • Upgraded perks improve range substantially while generating orbs
  • Compared to Ace and Thorn, Crimson provides unmatched healing and add clear

So while the catalyst‘s 300 kill requirement may seem steep for an off-meta weapon, the payoff proves worthwhile. Just be sure to use the optimal activities listed rather than standard playlist strikes to complete the catalyst efficiently.

For additional questions on weapon catalysts or Destiny 2 builds, catch me live on Twitch at myname. And stay tuned here for my complete god roll guide for Season of Defiance weapons later this month. Happy hunting, guardians!

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