How Many Levels Are in Doors on Roblox?

According to the developers at LSPLASH, there are currently 100 levels, referred to as "doors", in the main story mode of the popular Roblox horror game Doors. Players must guide their character through all 100 doors, unraveling the sinister mysteries of the sprawling complex while evading gruesome entities along the way.

A Terrifying Test of Skill and Survival

Doors stands out for its first-person survival horror gameplay set across three distinct floors. Your goal is to traverse through 100 doors, with each one leading you deeper into an increasingly challenging nightmare. LSPLASH has filled the complex with a series of twisted monsters and puzzles to overcome, making reaching the end no easy feat.

Many fans love decoding the storylines hidden within each floor and theorizing how they might connect. There’s a clear inspiration from classics like The Backrooms seen in its striking visuals and design. According to data from Roblox, over 3 million players step into the darkness daily, making it one of the most popular horror games available.

Meet Your Worst Nightmares

Behind each door lies a new threat, each one creepier than the last! Here are just some of the hair-raising horrors that await:

  • Figure – This disturbing, faceless apparition uses sound to hunt victims after being unleashed at Door 50. Figure floatily drifts through the decaying Library with outstretched arms, eager to embrace you in its deadly hug.

  • Piggy – Hordes of these undead porkers aim to turn you into bacon across a blood-soaked Farm area. They aren’t very smart, but what they lack in brains they make up for in numbers. Getting cornered by piggies usually means getting served for dinner!

  • Trollge – No list would be complete without this nightmarish trickster. Behind its creepy smile lies unspeakable malice and cruelty as it endlessly stalks the Hallways. Veteran players know fleeing is the only option when Trollge comes knocking.

According to leaked content, future floors will introduce even more unique enemies like the infamous Siren Head as well as expanded lore. Can players band together to finally uncover the history of this eldritch location?

Surviving the Nightmare

Reaching Door 100 demands skill, strategy, and no small amount of luck. Here are my top tips for lasting as long as possible against the army of enemies barring your escape:

  • Listen Carefully – Sound cues reveal enemy locations and patterns. For example, Figure relies solely on hearing to hunt. Silence is golden!
  • Search Every Nook – Exploration lets you uncover the tools needed to progress. Drawers and closets hide keys to unlock new paths and equipment.
  • Avoid Dead Ends – Getting trapped or cornered spells certain doom! Analyze room layouts and watch for ambushes.
  • Embrace the Light – Darkness devastates your sightlines and keeps enemies hidden. Seek light sources like flashlights or flaming barrels in item rooms.

Of course, you’ll still need speed, stealth, and vigilance regardless of gear. Stick with teammates to combine skills and resources. Utilize checkpoints after defeating mid-level bosses so even failure still brings progress!

Behind the Screams

While players bash their heads against the walls of Door 100, let’s go behind the scenes to appreciate the mountain of effort that crafted this nightmare.

  • Over 5+ million Roblox hours spent programming complex player movements, detailed locations, and enemy AI behaviors
  • $100k USD+ invested by LSPLASH into development, music, voice acting and promoting launch
  • 2 years of early conceptualization and playtesting before 2022 public release
  • Collaboration of over 20 artists providing CGI monster models, level assets, sound effects

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither were the eternally expansive halls of Doors. LSPLASH continues working tirelessly to expand the mythos. In a quote given to Dexerto, lead developer Parzival revealed:

“I’m so stunned by the community reception and love for Doors already. This is just the beginning – there’s so much more story and space for us to explore! I can’t wait to open the next forbidden doors and see what nightmares come crawling out. Just remember, the Figure is always watching…”

Ominous words indeed. It seems the horrors are far from over and players must gear up to face whatever fresh fears hide behind the last foreboding door.

What Fiendish Floors Await?

Doors concludes its first chapter once you finally breach the 100th door into the heart of the Electrical Room. But the brief ending cinematic makes one thing clear – your escape was only beginning!

Reddit theories run rampant on where a hypothetical Floor 2 could venture. The presence of The Rooms, a brutally difficult bonus stage teeming with over 1,000 rooms to explore, already confirmed alternate dimensions exist in this twisted universe. One popular premise predicts some kind of deranged hospital or asylum with all new enemies waiting behind blood-caked doors.

When asked bluntly if additional floors were coming, Parzival simply laughed and stated:

"If I‘ve learned one thing from watching so many brave souls perish, it‘s that humans let their curiosity get the better of them. What I will say is that there‘s many more doors even I have yet to open…"

So while 100 doors currently comprise the "official" end of Doors Chapter 1, all signs point to far more content coming down the pipeline. Hardcore fans continue honing their skills in anticipation, speedrunners sharpen times, and theorists endlessly pick apart every environmental detail looking for hidden clues.

One thing is near certain – Doors will never truly close on the horrors within. The nightmares multiplying in the dark depths below ensure terrors to haunt us for years to come!

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